2024-08-28 13:04:52
Billionaire Franco-Russian Pavel Durov, boss of the encrypted messaging company Telegram, who was arrested on Saturday evening at Le Bourget airport, was released from police custody and was transferred on Wednesday August 28 in the early afternoon to a court in Paris with a view to possible indictment, according to a source close to the case.
The French judiciary accused him of not acting against the spread of criminal or criminal content on Telegram, which has more than 900 million users. Which the company objected to.
Accompanied by his bodyguard and his assistant, the billionaire Russian founder of dispatch, who is 39 years old, was arrested on Saturday evening at Bourget airport (north of Paris) under a French search warrant, then taken into custody. Pavel Durov arrived from Baku and had to spend at least the evening in Paris, where he decided to eat.
Offenses linked to “organized crime”
He was arrested as part of the judicial investigation opened against him, focusing mainly on “refusal to communicate important information for interceptions authorized by law”, complicity in crimes and crimes which are organized on the platform (circa drugs, child pornography, fraud and money laundering by gangs) and “the provision of cryptology services intended to ensure secret services without declaring commitment”. Offenses linked to “organized crime”. Investigations are entrusted to the center for the fight against digital crime (C3N) and the national anti-fraud office (Onaf).
If he is accused and asked for custody before sentencing, the independent and custody judge has to decide at the end of the day to put him in jail or put him under court supervision.
#police #custody #Pavel #Durov #moved #justice #LExpress