11 Chinese suspects were laundering money through slot halls

by time news

Time.news – They laundered money coming from tax evasion through slot halls in the province of Udine. The financiers of the Provincial Command of Udine thus investigated 11 people of Chinese nationality, responsible for money laundering, self-laundering, illegal financial activities and other tax crimes; the judicial authority also ordered the preventive seizure of over 2 million euros, also binding assets and financial resources for a value of 650 thousand euros.

The main suspect is the owner of a slot room in Manzano (Udine) purchased and managed through a nominee. The investigation took its cue from a monitoring of the slot rooms in the Friuli area, in order to intercept the possible illegal phenomena of reuse of money carried out through gaming. In particular, they have been examined numerous reports of suspicious financial transactions of money laundering sent by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Bank of Italy to the Special Currency Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza.

The attention was immediately turned to a Chinese citizen, owner of a slot room, already known to the soldiers of the Compagnia di Cividale del Friuli, as administrator of multiple upholstery workshops in the Manzanese area, where evaded taxes of over 2 million euros emerged.

I illicit proceeds carried out through evasion, they were reused by the suspect in economic and financial activities both in Italy and abroad and, in particular, in the purchase of the license for the exercise of gambling and betting. The financiers monitored the activities conducted inside the slot room by identifying numerous deliveries of cash, even for significant amounts, not attributable to gaming.

In this way, they were identified 11 incidents of money laundering and self-laundering, for a total value of approximately 125 thousand euros. The owner of the slot room was also in charge of an illegal financial intermediation activity, without authorizations. He had raised money and made loans for around 42,000 euros.


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