Summer is hot, 7 tips to save on your bills

by time news

From the air conditioning to the refrigerator, there are several household appliances that, with the arrival of heat, risk exponentially increasing their consumption. However, by adopting small precautions and using appliances with intelligence, it is possible to respect the planet and avoid unpleasant surprises in the bill, without having to give up a healthy and comfortable environment. For this reason Selectra, the free service that compares and activates electricity, gas and internet tariffs, has drawn up a vademecum with 7 tips to face the summer without burdening bills and reducing waste and consumption.

1. Better manage air conditioners

The air conditioner is one of the most energy-intensive appliances: each system switched on for 6 hours a day adds about 25 euros to the monthly electricity bill. Amount destined to increase if proper maintenance is missing and the air conditioner has filters that are too dirty, which lead to an even greater amount of energy being consumed. As for the correct use of the air conditioner, Selectra recommends installing multiple devices, located in an intelligent way, to avoid keeping those in unoccupied areas of the house on, or placing them as high as possible, because the cold air tends to drop. , and in a place where the air does not find obstacles such as doors or curtains.

Furthermore, since it is often humidity that causes higher temperatures to be perceived, an idea is to use the dehumidification function, which is much less energy-intensive. It is also advisable not to set temperatures that are too low, since the difference between the temperature outside and inside the house should not exceed 6 degrees: this allows you to avoid sudden changes in temperature and cool the environment without excessively affecting consumption. Finally, a valid alternative to cope with summer temperatures remains the fan, whose consumption is a small fraction of that of an air conditioner: in fact, the use of the fan for 6 hours a day only adds 2 euros per month to the amount in the electricity bill. .

2. Pay attention to the use of the refrigerator

Malfunctioning appliances consume more and can also be dangerous: for this reason, explains Selectra, it is important to remember to carry out periodic maintenance. As for the refrigerator, for example, in addition to checking the state of the gaskets, it is important to defrost it to prevent a layer of ice from being created.

3. Minimize waste of light

To reduce the cost of the electricity bill during the summer season, it is good to turn on the light bulbs as little as possible, using natural light. To further reduce waste, it is advisable to use LED lights by replacing them with halogen or fluorescent ones, thus consuming about 90% less in the first case, and around 66% less in the second. Furthermore, LED lights, despite a slightly higher price at the time of purchase, last longer than traditional ones, up to 50 thousand hours, and, since they do not produce heat, they are also safer.

4. Avoid using the dryer

Another good habit is to take advantage of the sunlight and summer heat to hang out the laundry outside, thus avoiding using the dryer. In addition to significant energy savings, in fact, in summer the laundry dries better in the sun, an effective whitening agent known for its sanitizing effect. In addition, according to Selectra’s calculations, avoiding the use of the dryer saves about 4 euros in the bill per month and, in the case of daily use, as often happens in families with small children, the monthly savings can even reach 10 euros. .

5. Full load dishwasher and low temperature wash

During the summer season it is important to regulate and limit water consumption, given the low rainfall: it is therefore advisable to start washing machines and dishwashers only with full loads and to set washes at low temperatures. In addition, to save an additional 15% of energy, Selectra suggests avoiding prewashing in the washing machine and drying in the dishwasher, allowing dishes to dry through natural air circulation.

6. Don’t forget about standby appliances

Many household appliances and electronic devices consume energy even when they are not in use, affecting consumption by 10 to 16%. And if the latest generation appliances have now reduced their consumption in stand-by, devices and consoles still consume a lot of electricity if they remain plugged into the socket. For this reason, it is advisable to connect these devices, from the TV to the PC, to a multiple socket equipped with a switch which, once turned off, completely cuts the power supply to all the devices that are attached to it: a useful and quick solution, especially when leave their home for a whole weekend.

7. Prefer new generation appliances

When purchasing a new appliance, it is important to pay attention to the energy label displayed on the appliance. This, in fact, indicates the energy class, a term with which we refer to the ‘classification’ of the consumption of the various devices per kW / h: from class A, which consumes the least amount of energy, to class G, which consumes it. the larger quantity. It is therefore advisable to purchase new generation devices belonging to class A. In particular, thanks to the Air Conditioners Bonus, you can take advantage of a tax deduction of up to 65% on these appliances.

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