Controversy Surrounds Christos Mastoras’ Exit from Marinella’s Concert: Health Issues or Professional Misstep?

by time news
Poseidon Giannopoulos shared his opinion on the removal of Christos Mastoras from Marinella’s concert at the Herodion.

As it became known, the singer was dismissed just a few days before the concert (on September 25), as he did not attend the second rehearsal, which displeased the great performer. The reason for his absence was, as he himself revealed, a sudden health issue.

The journalist and radio producer emphasized Marinella’s professionalism and consistency, and while he did not dispute Christos Mastoras’s health issue, he did not rule out the possibility that his behavior may not have been impeccable.

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In detail, he stated: «On one hand, it sounds like a departure, on the other hand, it sounds like a dismissal; I don’t know which it ultimately is, I do not have a report. Just with the knowledge I have from these 3.5 decades in the field, I know Marinella and I believe that there would have been supreme professionalism and supreme consistency, because that’s who Marinella is, and on the other hand, without knowing again, I say this because the person issued a statement talking about a health issue, I know that younger artists are a bit more laid-back, as we jokingly say. That is, “I don’t care, let’s go for a quarter of an hour, half an hour late to the rehearsal, I don’t care, let’s not know the lyrics either, I’ll sing a few songs and learn them later,” it’s not like that. If this happened, which I believe would have annoyed Marinella, who is a perfectionism and perfectionist monster, she rightly said, ‘take the songs, Antonis, and sing them.’
In response to a question about whether Christos Mastoras wronged himself, Poseidon Giannopoulos replied: «I am of the opinion that when such a supreme gift occurs, to be with the top performer in the top venue called Herodion, when you have the opportunity to do a duet with the other prominent one, my beloved Charoula Alexiou, when you have also been given the great fortune to do a duet with the great George Dalaras and to participate in his concerts, even if you are sick, you should camp with a small tent at the Herodion so you don’t miss any rehearsals. Of course, he wronged himself.

The background of the dismissal

On Tuesday, September 24, it became known that Marinella had removed Christos Mastoras from her concert at the Herodion, which is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25.

According to information, Christos Mastoras had a sudden illness, making it impossible for him to attend the second rehearsal, leading to Marinella’s displeasure.

This issue was commented on the show “Buongiorno”, which cited a report by Nikos Georgiadis. According to this report and the information from Fai Skorda, the reason for the singer’s removal from the famous singer’s concert was the fact that the frontman of “Melisses” did not attend the second rehearsal, which took place on Tuesday.

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Specifically, the host stated: «The information I received is that Christos Mastoras did not go to the second rehearsal and that was something that displeased Marinella very much, and she announced that a person who is not consistent with rehearsals for something so important, while she is – I imagine – consistent at work, to rehearse, cannot be part of the final result at the concert.

However, the report states that an illness was what kept Christos Mastoras out of the scheduled rehearsals, a fact that displeased the great performer, who made the tough decision to remove him from the live performance program.

The concert will also feature Antonis Remos, who, according to the same report, will cover the gap created by performing the songs that the “Melisses” singer would normally sing.

Christos Mastoras’s post

The singer posted a message a few hours later regarding the news, confirming that he indeed had a sudden health issue and thanked Marinella for the opportunity she gave him.

Specifically, he wrote: I had the great honor that Mrs. Marinella entrusted me to appear alongside her at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus this Wednesday. Unfortunately, a sudden health issue prevented me from attending the 2nd rehearsal, nor performing at the concert. I thank this great voice of ours for the trust and you for your messages. I am sure that all of you who find yourselves at the crowded Herodion will experience an unforgettable musical experience!

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Controversy Surrounds Christos Mastoras’ Exit from Marinella’s Concert: Health Issues or Professional Misstep?

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