A nationwide new awakening, rebirth, revenge is necessary. Artak Zakaryan

by times news cr

2024-10-01 11:21:30

Former Deputy Minister of Defense, member of the RPA Executive Body Artak Zakaryan is convinced that there are ways out of the current situation, solutions, real visions, “which will come to life without KP and their satellites”.

“Our state is now facing such a historical crisis that only needs a nationwide new awakening, rebirth, revenge. Otherwise, the fateful geopolitical winds will sink the boat of Armenian statehood (from a self-confident developing country left by Serzh Sargsyan, we have turned into a boat swaying and bumping to and fro at the whim of fortune).

In general, many countries of the world are looking for solutions for safe and sustainable living today. even large, developed and armed to the teeth countries.

In my impression, the formula “I have my own bread, let Nikol do whatever he wants with the country” is not to the liking of many. After the handover of Artsakh, most people understand the degree of increasing danger. He understands that thanks to the “authorities” they can also lose what they have, facing new existential problems.

You cannot hold power only with deception, blind eye and obvious irresponsibility. You will not build security with “sweet” promises and mindless greetings from foreign countries. Begging for protection from the outside, you will never be protected. With forced democracy and internal enmity, you will not have a civil society. You will not have a nation state with false liberal values ​​wandering around the world and destroying states. You will not have a future by adapting your education, culture, faith, national values ​​to the ideas of foreigners. By silencing your diaspora and alienating it from the state, you will not create national potential. By handing over Artsakh, you will not have a peaceful future…

There are certainly ways out of this situation, solutions, real visions that will come to life without CP and their satellites.

For the Armenian people, national awakening, if you like, ideological revenge, is the only real guarantee of a dignified and safe future,” Artak Zakaryan wrote on his social media page.

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