Affiliate – INA The US-led international coalition forces announced that they will not target ISIS militants in Syria in the areas controlled by the Syrian forces. A senior coalition official said: The coalition does not intend to target members of the terrorist organization in areas controlled by the Syrian government, despite saying that it is not doing enough to prevent extremists from moving through its territory. American officials have previously announced that the Syrian government forces are too few in number and too weak to fight the terrorist organization ISIS. The coalition’s deputy commander of strategic operations, General Felix Gedney, said, “The coalition will rely on the Syrian government to track down ISIS militants in areas controlled by Syrian army forces.” Gedney pointed out that the battle against ISIS is not over, and that the extremists were seen moving west of the Euphrates River. He added, “They appear to be moving without being targeted across the areas controlled by the Syrian army, which clearly shows that it is either unwilling or unable to defeat ISIS within its country’s borders.” When Gedney was asked whether the coalition would target militants in areas controlled by the Syrian army, he said that he had no plans to do so. He continued, “We will demand that the Syrian government cleanse the areas currently under its control of ISIS gangs.” Source: Agencies
The international coalition will not target ISIS in areas controlled by the Syrian authorities