With four closed borders, suspended air transportation, severely limited internal resources, the danger of the epidemic increasing, and an enemy ready to attack, Armenia is facing very serious challenges. Risks have never been so diverse and so simultaneous. The logic is such that one problem will multiplicatively generate several new independent problems, no less acute than the “mother” problem. We may have a phenomenon of “problem contagion”. We will constantly need the right steps, situational and prospective. We present the first group of urgent steps.
1. The RA government allocated 441 million drams from the government’s reserve fund for the fight against the epidemic by the decision of March 13, and about 3.5 billion drams for the holding of the referendum by the decision of February 20. This is absurd. We propose to cancel the decision of February 20 and redirect the money to the fight against the epidemic. In the near future, we will urgently need significant amounts of money for medicine, medical equipment, charter flights, medical staff allowances, basic necessities and other urgent expenses.
2. Emptying government country houses and providing them to the curfew to solve anti-epidemic problems: isolation of citizens, temporary hospitals. Today, there are a large number of private houses, guest houses, etc. in good or very good condition on the state’s balance sheet. There are 6-8 empty ready-made buildings in Kondi private houses alone, only two families live in the area. No one else. They can safely move to their homes and so can we
we will have a very suitable place for isolation. One day, the state will have to give up those “dachas” in the central committee. There is no better moment. There are a significant number of state-owned private houses in Sevan, Dilijan, which can also be provided for the fight against the epidemic. This is a great step of public solidarity to give up luxury at a difficult time.
3. With the official application of the paramedic, various persons who have experience, knowledge, and connections in working in crisis conditions should be invited to work together. Now is not the time for narrow ambitions. There are people who worked in difficult conditions during various crisis stages of 1990-2000 and accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge, which can provide real benefit to the state, regardless of their political preferences and personal sympathy of the government of the day. Economic security, crisis management of the state apparatus, food security, labor market reorganization, implementation of financial mechanisms, business crisis management, agricultural crisis prevention, urban management, social programs. in this and many other fields there are people with serious experience who should be involved in the work.
4. To give special powers to President Armen Sargsyan. Judging by his recent phone calls and meetings, it is he who negotiates on behalf of Armenia with heads of other states, international organizations, health and scientific institutions. Armenia will need a large amount of aid in the near future, this should be accepted without being overly proud. And today, applying for help at the right address, receiving it and delivering it to the place is a separate huge work direction.
5. Recently, official Armenian-Russian relations have been lowered to the level of Prime Minister Mishustin. This is noticeable with the naked eye. It is obvious that Armenia will need significant support from Russia in the near future, which in that country is exclusively a matter of a political decision, and never an administrative one. Political decisions in Russia are made exclusively at the level of President Putin. Armenia needs political, military, logistical, humanitarian support. Now the question is: why should Russia do this? He may not take it easy, considering his own internal problems and other nuances. There is one person in Armenia whose call can be a stimulus for political decisions in Russia. That one person is in prison.
6. Armenia should raise the issue of opening the Armenian-Turkish border for cargo transportation. Leaders of a number of influential countries, including Putin, Rouhani, and the Secretary General of the United Nations, are raising the issue of removing financial, logistical, logistical, and technological sanctions and restrictions in order to fight the epidemic effectively. The idea of the so-called “green corridor” is being put forward. Armenia should use this moment to start international “moral” pressure on Turkey. The Armenian-Turkish border should be opened for cargo transportation. At least that question should be asked. This is necessary now, this will also come in the post-epidemic phase. At this moment, our demand will be understandable for the international community.
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