Ukraine Foreign Minister: Don’t let Putin turn Ukraine into second Syria

by time news

Heavy attacks on a nuclear power plant, rockets on Kyiv, bombings of houses, schools and hospitals.

Kremlin despot Vladimir Putin (69) intensifies his bloody war policy from day to day. However, Ukraine continues to resist the Russian invasion.

But Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba (40) warned on Friday: “Act now before it’s too late. Don’t let Putin turn Ukraine into Syria.”

“We are ready to fight. We will keep fighting. But we need partners who will help us with concrete, decisive and rapid measures, and they do it now,” Kuleba continued.

Photo: Gleb Garanich/dpa

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Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba (40)Photo: Gleb Garanich/dpa

The attacks on Kyiv continued throughout the night. BILD reporter Paul Ronzheimer reported several impacts during the night. But the city is far from being taken!

Kyiv Mayor Klitschko said to BILD: “Several Russian missiles that were aimed at Kyiv have been shot down.” The former boxing world champion demands: “We need the arms deliveries from the West immediately, the procedure is too slow. Every hour counts!”

Anyway: Putin’s 64-kilometer convoy has come to a standstill and is currently not making any progress.

One thing is clear: the Russian army has logistical problems. “They are running out of fuel and some of their soldiers are running out of food,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

Map: War in Ukraine (as of March 6th, 2022) - infographic

Kiev surroundings

In the suburbs of Irpin and Bucha, which border on the district (oblast) of Kyiv, the Russian convoy encountered fierce resistance 25 kilometers from the capital. Fighting has been raging there for days.

Ein einziges Trümmerfeld – mitten in der ukrainischen Stadt Butscha (rund 28 500 Einwohner)Foto: Serhii Nuzhnenko/dpa

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A single field of rubble – in the middle of the Ukrainian city of Bucha (around 28,500 inhabitants)Foto: Serhii Nuzhnenko/dpa

Pictures show the sheer destructiveness of the Putin bombs. Several residential buildings have been destroyed and bridges over the Irpin River have been blown up. Burned-out tanks and troop carriers line the streets.

Zerstörte Wohnhäuser in Irpin, einem Vorort von KiewFoto: Getty Images

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Destroyed houses in Irpin, a suburb of KyivFoto: Getty Images

According to Ukraine, Russian troops are said to have withdrawn from the strategically important Hostomel airfield further north of Bucha.

Auch in Irpin am Freitag: Ein Mann rettet, was er noch kann aus seinem brennenden HausPhoto: ARIS MESSINIS / AFP

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Also in Irpin on Friday: A man saves what he can still save from his burning housePhoto: ARIS MESSINIS / AFP

But there were also rocket attacks in other suburbs around Kyiv, for example in Chaiky and even in Hatne in the south-west of Kyiv. Both are within a ten kilometer radius of the center of the Ukrainian capital.

Feuerwehrleute löschen nach Raketenbeschuss einen Brand in Chaiky (Vorort von Kiew)Foto: SERHII NUZHNENKO/REUTERS

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Firefighters extinguish a fire in Chaiky (suburb in western Kyiv) after rocket fireFoto: SERHII NUZHNENKO/REUTERS

Raketeneinschlag in Hatne (südwestlich von Kiew)Foto: SERHII NUZHNENKO/REUTERS

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Rocket hit in Hatne (southwest of Kyiv)Foto: SERHII NUZHNENKO/REUTERS

Videos also show the brutality with which Putin is proceeding. He had a residential building in the city of Hotomel bombed from the ground on Friday. True, it was allegedly empty at the time of the attack. A few bullets missed the target and hit a full house behind it.


In the city 140 kilometers northeast of Kyiv, residential areas, schools and a hospital were shelled on Thursday.

Balance according to Ukrainian information: 47 fatalities. The local authorities thus corrected their information upwards after previously speaking of 33 people killed. The heavy shelling started the day before.

Ein Wohnhaus im Stadtzentrum von Tschernihiw (3. März)Photo: Dmytro Kumaka/dpa

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A residential building in Chernihiv city center (March 3)Photo: Dmytro Kumaka/dpa

port cities in the south

︎ Mariupol: The situation here is unclear. It is completely encircled by Russian troops, but British forces say Ukrainian forces remain in control of the port city on the Sea of ​​Azov.

The civil infrastructure is still exposed to intense shelling by the Russian military. An adviser to the Ukrainian President, Olexii Arestovych, was “cautiously optimistic” about future developments there. And: “The enemy had a significant technical advantage,” said the Ukrainian side. An anti-aircraft system operated by the Ukrainians on the Black Sea coast was attacked. The information could not be independently verified.

And: Putin is still firing at civilian facilities here. Among them: the shopping center “Epicentr K” in the western part of the city.

▶ ︎ Mykolajiw: Here, according to the regional authorities, Russian troops advanced into the city. There is fighting in parts of the city, says Governor Vitalii Kim in a video message. He appealed to the population to remain calm. “Let’s not get nervous,” says Kim. Previously it was said that the advances of the Russian army could be thrown back.

▶︎ The metropolis further west Odessa not exposed to any immediate danger.


The city must have fallen.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby: “We cannot say for sure, but we have no reason to doubt the reports coming from the Ukrainians themselves that the Russians are in Cherson.” In the morning, the assessment was still that the city was contested. However, there was no more talk of fighting for the city in the situation reports from the Ukrainian army.

Karte/Map: Over a million refugees from Ukraine - infographic

According to local reports, Kremlin dictator Putin is now even busing educated “citizens” into the city to demonstrate for “joining” occupied Crimea.

Nach schwerem Beschuss, hier Bilder vom 3. März 2022, scheint Cherson in die Hände der russischen Invasoren gefallen zu seinPhoto: Reuters

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After heavy shelling, here pictures from March 3, 2022, Cherson seems to have fallen into the hands of the Russian invadersPhoto: Reuters

The hero-president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyj (44) counters: “Kherson, show that this is your city,” he said on Friday. Citizens should take to the streets with Ukrainian flags and the national anthem.

overall balance

Civilian Ukrainian areas are repeatedly bombed, and hundreds of people have already died. In addition, according to the latest UN figures, 1.2 million Ukrainians are fleeing.

But it is also clear that the Russians did not make the progress in their war that they wanted to make at the time. The resistance of the Ukrainians was stronger than expected, and Putin’s troops are also struggling with their own logistical problems and possibly with poor morale.

The terror campaign is also taking a high toll in blood on the part of the Russians. Ukraine President Selenskyj speaks of 9,200 Russian soldiers killed so far. From the Russian side, the reports of their own losses are two days old – at that time the army admitted that almost 500 soldiers had been killed on their own side.

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