Novbiotech proposed to treat crops with a laser from the air for productivity

by time news

Vedomosti was told about the development of Novbiotech (Veliky Novgorod) in the ANO Platform of the National Technological Initiative (NTI), with the support of which the project is being implemented. The Novbiotech laser installation is mounted on a drone that processes (illuminates) crops from a height of 10–20 m at night. At different stages of ripening, laser irradiation can increase the yield of crops by an average of 10–35%, depending on the quality of the seed, Novbiotech assures.

“Plants live by photosynthesis, so light of different wavelengths, different spectra has an exciting effect on them,” explains Natalya Sevostyanova, CEO of Novbiotech. – Long-term studies have shown the effectiveness of exposure to light of the blue and red spectra. Light is transformed into the energy of chemical bonds, plant growth is activated, the transition to the formation of generative organs ”.


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