Mike Pence in Hebron: “The United States will always be committed to the State of Israel”

by time news

Former United States Vice President Mike Pence visited the Cave of the Patriarchs yesterday (Wednesday) and received unique recognition.

The chairmen of the Eretz Israel Lobby in the Knesset, Orit Struck and Yoav Kish, arrived last night at the recognition party held by the Republican Party for former Vice President Mike Pence. The heads of the lobby presented the former vice president with a certificate of appreciation for his work and steadfast stand for the State of Israel and the Land of Israel.

In the moving statement, Kish quoted Pence as saying in his speech in the Knesset in 2018: “We stand by Israel because our values ​​are the same values, and our struggles are the same struggles.” Kish noted that the entire Knesset then stood on its feet and clapped as these words were uttered, “words of true partnership.”

“The words of the Vice President in the Knesset are well etched in my memory,” said MK Kish. “They are part of the national memory. “We remember your tremendous achievements for Israel together with Prime Minister Netanyahu. We look forward to your return to power and leadership in Israel and the United States very soon.”

MK Struck, a resident of Hebron, said: “It is a great privilege for us, on behalf of all members of the Israeli Lobby in the Knesset, to express our deep gratitude to Vice President Pence for his courageous and long-standing friendship with the State of Israel, and to stand by it. Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley – the historical regions of the Land of Israel. “

Vice President Mike Pence thanked the heads of the lobby and told them that he was very excited to receive the certificate of appreciation. Pence noted that the United States will always be committed to the State of Israel and noted that every effort should be made to return to power in the United States in the upcoming elections.

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