Russian protest against Putin – for these two words she went to jail – politics abroad

by time news

More than 14,900 people have been arrested for “anti-war demonstrations” (the word “war” is and will remain banned, Putin only speaks of “special operations”) since the start of Vladimir Putin’s bloody war in Russia – reports of the „OVD-Info“ Portal.

How much the tyrant fears his own brave people was evident on the streets of the Federation on Sunday: Putin’s police arrested hundreds of people across the country because they didn’t bow to Putin’s will and continued to demonstrate against the war – or simply because they stood around . For example with a shield in hand.

1984 in 2022.

Everyone is the enemy, everyone can become a victim of the regime’s terror against their own people. This is shown by cases in Moscow over the weekend.

The scene: It is March 13th, overcast, people are going for a walk, the babble of voices underscores the apparent idyll, in the background the picturesque Hotel “Four Seasons” and the “State Historical Museum” show their most beautiful architectural side. The place: Manezhnaya Square in the heart of Moscow.

Almost a normal day in the 11.5 million people metropolis – if it weren’t for the countless special police units and police vans.

We hear: a man filming a woman; they talk. She is “for activists,” she says. Not a word about “war”, not a word about an “invasion”, not even about the “special operation”, as it is called in Putin’s Russia – there is also no mention of the Kremlin despot.

She asks him: “I only have two words here: do you think that I will be arrested or not?”. She can briefly hold a white index card in front of the camera. It says in Cyrillic block letters: “DWA SLOWA”. In German: “TWO WORDS”. A possible allusion to the frequent demand by protesters (“no war”, “no fascism”) or the ban on the words “war” and “invasion”. But that is only one possible interpretation.

Then five of Putin’s police officers rush over and arrest her. Three of them drag her to the waiting vans at the edge of the square. The man says twice helplessly: “This is madness”.

Foto: Twitter/

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Police arrest the womanFoto: Twitter/

But the real theater in Moscow isn’t over yet – it’s getting even crazier.

14 seconds have passed since the arrest, then another woman appears – long thick scarf, dark blue peaked cap, dark hair. She asks the filmmakers: “You only show members of the opposition, don’t you?”. The man says no.

She goes on to ask if he shows people who aren’t demonstrating, who say something different about “special operations,” as she calls them. He affirms: “We show everyone”.

Eine weitere Frau wird festgenommen – obwohl sie sich FÜR Putin aussprechen willFoto: Twitter/

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Another woman is arrested – even though she wants to speak out FOR PutinFoto: Twitter/

She reacts: “Then I also want to express my opinion.” She begins to defend Putin: “I agree that …”, she doesn’t get any further. “Police!” It says from the side. Then she too will be taken away.

All in all, Putin’s henchmen arrested on Sunday 864 people in 37 cities Russia’s for “anti-war protests” – that the arrests were indiscriminate and without cause is now an open secret. What threatens those arrested: fines of 2,000 to 300,000 rubles (14 to 2,100 euros), imprisonment of up to 30 days.

A proud price for “Two Words” …

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