“I had decided to disappear forever if my new series was not liked by the public” – Corriere.it

by time news

To the world it is, and will remain for a long time, Penny’s Big Bang Theory, ma The flight attendant – The Flight Attendant, which inaugurated the new Sky Serie channel (112) of satellite TV, is demonstrating that Kaley Cuoco, a Californian of Italian origins, 35 years old, knows how to be more than just a funny character and more than a comic actress. After the end of Big Bang Theory, Cuoco has dedicated herself to this new project of which she is also a producer: «I optioned the rights many years ago as soon as I read it, I knew I would do it and now it has happened». Cassie, the hostess she plays, finds herself embroiled in an unfortunate bloody incident that occurred while stopping at an exotic location. “Remember Amanda Knox, the absolutely innocent American who was arrested in Italy? – Cassie says, on the phone with a lawyer friend -. Do you remember what happened to her? ‘ Her friend replies: “If you want advice, don’t get arrested abroad.”

Was the reference to Knox in the book?

“I don’t remember if it was or if it was included in the adaptation, but it’s perfect for our story. It gives an idea of ​​what it means to get into trouble in a foreign country ».

Italians and Americans have a very different perception of the Knox case.

“I’m sure you see it differently, but the point was not to take sides on that case, rather to fear a possible experience with a judicial system that does not belong to you.”

You also shot in Rome.

“It was magical, like taking a private tour, just before the world closed for the virus.”

Strange to talk about international flights right now …

“Now we’re about to go back to shooting. It’s not easy, but people are getting more and more vaccinated, I think we’ll make it ».

How do you find yourself in the role of producer?

«When I decided to throw myself into this project I was enthusiastic but then the doubts arrived. I thought that if it went wrong I would have to leave the country and let the world forget me. It was such a project of mine that if it didn’t work I would have to disappear ».

Instead it seems to be going well.

“But before I knew it, I went through the whole spectrum of emotions: one day I was euphoric, the other terrified. But I learned to ask for help and let the professionals guide me. That said, I was very involved in all the decisions, from the lipstick I wore to the editing ».

Among the difficulties encountered there will also have been the comparison with a beloved character like Penny.

“In reverse. Coming from that huge success I quickly accepted the fact that nothing could be remotely compared to that experience and this gave me freedom of movement ».

Cassie is not an entirely pleasant character, she drinks too much.

“It’s amazing how Cassie always makes the wrong choice. But in the end you love her for that very reason ».

Does he have anything in common with her?

“Very little, she is disorganized, always wrong and late. I am the daughter of my father who always said that if you are not ten minutes early you are late. Besides, while I enjoy alcohol too, I’m certainly not Cassie’s extreme. But I tried to make sure his drinking wasn’t attractive. ‘

On the other hand, there remains the stereotype that seeing a man drinking on TV or at the cinema is fun, a woman is not.

“We girls have always been judged more severely. The mistakes of men are forgiven, those of women are not ».

“Yup. On the set of Big Bang Theory I was able to get the same pay as my male colleagues, if this is not feminism ».

July 3, 2021 (change July 4, 2021 | 16:44)


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