Ukrainian intelligence claims: A group in the Russian elite wants to overthrow Putin

by time news

In the shadow of the fighting in Ukraine: A group of Russian elite citizens plan to try to overthrow the Russian president Vladimir Putin, This was stated in a post published yesterday (Sunday) on the official Facebook page of the Chief Intelligence Director of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The post, which opens with the words “Poisoning, sudden illness, accident – Russia’s elite is considering removing Putin”, claims that “a group of influential people who oppose Putin is forming among the Russian business and political elite, their goal is to remove Putin from power as soon as possible and bring back “Economic ties with the West that were destroyed in the war in Ukraine.”

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According to the post, a certain part of the Russian political elite of the Russian Federation considers the head of the Russian Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov as Putin’s successor. The post notes that “recently the Russian dictator disapproves of Bortnikov, the official reason for this being a fatal calculation error in the war against Ukraine – since Bournikov and his department were responsible for analyzing the mood of the Ukrainian population and the ability of the Ukrainian army.”

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“It is known that Bortnikov and several other influential members of the Russian elite are exploring various options for removing Putin from power. In particular, poisoning, a sudden illness or other ‘accident’ is not included,” it read. “The information came from the Russian side. Apparently, this is how the FSB leadership is trying to weaken Kadyrov’s influence. It may also be an attempt to establish cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities in advance, bypassing the current leadership of the Russian Federation,” the post concludes.

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