A nonagenarian harassing her neighbors sentenced to move

by time news

Aunt Danielle really exists. This is Jeanine, 94, a resident of rue Laperrière, in Alençon, in Orne (61). She pours weedkiller on her neighbours’ lawns, rails against them calling them thieves, rapists, murderers, and hits the wall that delimits their houses with a hammer every night in order to prevent them from sleeping, like the reports Trend West.

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«The situation has become so unbearable that we have left our house, we are camping with friends with our baby boy born in 2020“, explains the father of the family to West Trend. Tatie Danielle, alias Jeanine, is not at her first attempt. She has been harassing her neighbors day and night for seven years. Jeanine goes so far as to accuse her neighbor of ringing her doorbell several times a night and of having killed her rabbit and claims to be from the family of the Queen of England or that of Gérald Darmanin. However, a psychiatric report deduces that she does not present any intellectual disorder.

Seven months suspended sentence

The Alençon court considered his case on Thursday March 17. But, a twist, as soon as the president of the court asks her a question, she replies that she hears nothing. This one moves and settles at his side, so that deafness can no longer become an excuse. Jeanine ends up losing her temper and leaving the court, after signing a power of attorney to her lawyer, stating: “I’m leaving, there’s nothing to do with these people. It’s eye for eye, tooth for tooth, I apply the law of retaliation.»

The trial continues, without Jeanine. The court renders its decision: a ban on appearing on rue Laperrière for the next five years, with immediate execution. If she refuses to immediately leave her house, adjoining her neighbours, she risks a seven-month suspended prison sentence.

As a reminder, the law prohibits disturbing neighbors with repetitive and intense noise during the day. At night, the noise does not need to be repetitive to qualify as nocturnal noise. The authors expose themselves to a fixed fine of 68 euros which can go up to 180 euros if it is not settled within 45 days. If the author of the nuisance is your tenant, you will have to take steps to stop the noise pollution so as not to incur your liability.

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