NATO challenged to end Putin’s war

by time news

The Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, set the tone, arriving at the headquarters of the Alliance in Brussels, ahead of a summit: “Russian President Vladimir Putin made the big mistake of launching a war against a sovereign country” of which he has ” underestimated “ resistance. It remains to be seen how to fix it, now that the damage is done.

After one ” family photo “ around US President Joe Biden, Westerners began their diplomatic marathon (NATO, G7, European Council) this Thursday, March 24 by working on their deterrence and defense capabilities. The beginning of a reflection, ahead of another summit, conclusive, planned for a long time in Madrid, on June 29 and 30.

Unprecedented reinforcements

Without waiting, four battle groups will be deployed on the eastern flank. They will be added to the four others already deployed in Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary. More than 100,000 American soldiers are currently present in Europe, including 40,000 under direct NATO command in the eastern part of the Alliance, said Jens Stoltenberg. Five carrier battle groups are on the ground. ” Never seen “according to the head of NATO.

However, Moscow’s use of chemical weapons haunts people’s minds. That “would fundamentally change the nature of the conflict”, said Jens Stoltenberg. Here too NATO is preparing: “The Supreme Commander of the military forces of the Alliance, General Walters, has activated the elements of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense”, announced the secretary general of the organization.

→ EXPLANATION. War in Ukraine: what international law says about chemical weapons

By videoconference in front of the Allied leaders, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a vibrant plea. The leader accuses Russia of using white phosphorus bombs. This product, designed to illuminate a battlefield in the middle of the night, has already been used in Chechnya, Iraq or Syria.

It is not strictly speaking a chemical weapon, but its use is strictly regulated by international law, due to its devastating potential. White phosphorus can cause very serious burns to the skin and internal organs if inhaled. It should not be used in the presence of civilians.

” This morning (…) there were Russian phosphorus bombs. Adults were killed and children were killed again,” alerted the Ukrainian leader in a video message published on his Telegram account, for the attention of the Heads of State and Government of the Atlantic Alliance.

Arm and negotiate

Poland had asked for a peacekeeping mission to be sent to Ukraine under the aegis of NATO in areas not occupied by the Russian army. It was rejected. “There is no question of deploying NATO troops or planes in Ukraine”replied Jens Stoltenberg.

NATO maintains its strategy, with this fragile balance: continue to equip the Ukrainian army, while keeping an open diplomatic channel with Russia. “You understand that a peacekeeping operation aims to maintain peace, and that today there is no peace, we argue at the Elysée. So, we must first take care of the ceasefire, and organize the necessary negotiations so that, in effect, we have a peace to maintain. » Emmanuel Macron and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who maintain contact with the Kremlin, spoke bilaterally on Thursday morning to coordinate their exchanges.

→ THE FACTS. War in Ukraine: Pope Francis calls NATO’s military spending target “madness”

Other NATO members have promised to step up deliveries of anti-tank missiles to kyiv. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promises 6,000 in addition to the 4,000 already delivered. Germany will donate 2,000. Sweden, which cooperates with NATO without being part of it, 5,000.

The United States has meanwhile begun consultations to provide anti-ship missiles. Invoking the “right to self-defence” provided for in the United Nations Charter, the Alliance also promises combat drones, cyber defense resources, and has undertaken to send resources in the event of a biological or nuclear attack (protection, masks, medical support, decontamination).

Moreover, the West explicitly asks China to refrain from any support for Moscow, “neither economically nor militarily”.

Long term questions

At the Madrid summit in June, other questions will arise between NATO members, while a “overhaul” of the organization’s deterrent system is in preparation. Europeans have collectively pledged to devote 2% of their GDP to military spending. This sharing of the financial burden should be accompanied by changes in the governance of the Alliance.

Joe Biden can only support the “strategic compass” that the EU has just adopted concerning its security and defense strategy aimed at greater autonomy. NATO’s high command could become more explicitly European.

Until now, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (Saceur) has always been American. Placing a European there would mark a turning point. It will also be necessary to find a successor to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, even if, in the turmoil, his mandate has just been extended until September 30, 2023 when he was to take over as head of the central bank in December. norwegian.

A name circulates with insistence to succeed him. That of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia between 2015 and 2020, already Deputy Secretary General of NATO between 2011 and 2014.

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