the carcinogenic bacteria that “nails” in half the population

by time news

The ‘Helicobacter pylori‘ is a bacteria who lives in the stomach of people and affects the gastric mucosa, being able to cause inflammations leading to gastritis, ulcers and lymphomas.

Although not all people infected with this bacterium show symptomatologyis present in the half of the population, and can cause severe pain in the stomach. Furthermore, the infection by ‘h. pylori’ can be one of the causes for the development of stomach cancer.

daggers in the stomach

nutritionist and writer Angela Quintas has published this January the book ‘Why does my stomach hurt?‘, where he addresses the intestinal problems we encounter daily and tries to answer possible questions about digestive pathologies.

In this latest publication, which comes after the success of ‘Lose weight forever’ and ‘The secret of good digestion’, Quintas also talks about ‘Helicobacter pylori’. The nutrition expert compares the pain that cause the symptoms of this infection with a “stabbed dagger in the pit of the stomach.”

die killing

Quintas adds that, since it is a bacterium that “is anchored very strong in the upper part of the stomach”, it is essential to take antibiotics to get rid of her. Also, when getting rid of ‘Helicobacter pylori’, there is usually a “disbiosis or alteration of microbiota“, that is, a imbalance in the intestinal flora.

carcinogenic effects

United States you’ve already included within your ‘Report on carcinogenic’ infections Chronicles by this bacterium, which can cause stomach cancer and a kind of lymphoma. The infection by ‘H. pylori’ is usually caused by Contact from person to person or by drinking well water contaminated with this bacterium.

Symptoms and detection

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In addition to the pain mentioned above, infection by this bacterium can cause other symptoms such as loss of appetite, sickness and vomitingsensation of swelling O black stools. Also, in the most extreme cases, they can even occur hemorrhages.

Luckily, the detection of infections by this bacterium can be achieved by non-invasive testscapable of detecting ureasethe substance released by theH. pylori’, in the breath. Other ways to find out if this bacterium is in the body are stool analysis waves flexible probes visualization of the stomach (gastroscopy).

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