Barça overwhelms Granollers in the second half and wins the Copa del Rey handball

by time news

The Barça chained its ninth consecutive title of champion of the Copa del Rey handball after winning this Sunday by 30-26 to a Fraikin Granollerswho after making the azulgrana suffer unspeakably in the first half, in which the Vallesans enjoyed an income of up to four goals, was overwhelmed by those from Antonio Carlos Ortega In the second half

In the first 12 minutes the Vallesans came out in a rush and put the azulgranas against the cuertos, despite the good interventions of the goalkeeper Gonzalo Perez de Vargas could not start the final in a better way, after accounting for three saves in the first six minutes of play.

But neither the interventions of the Spanish international goalkeeper, the usual starting point of the Barça team’s counterattack game, were enough on this occasion for those of Antonio Carlos Ortega to be able to run. A circumstance that forced Barça to play many minutes in static, precisely what Granollers wanted, which little by little was entangling their rival in the game that most interested them.

Little seemed to worry Granollers about the continuous bombardment to which the French side Timothey N’Guessan subjected him, author of five of the eleven goals that Barcelona scored in the first half, knowing that without letting the azulgrana run he could keep up the goalscoring pulse to his rival.

As demonstrated by the Chema Márquez, Esteban Salinas or Pol Valera, author of a spectacular first half, which responded to each goal of the azulgrana team. But the differential element came from the hand of the Brazilian goalkeeper Rangel Luanwhich with the eight saves he recorded in the first half, one of them from a penalty shot, allowed Granollers to open a gap of three goals (10-13) on the scoreboard.

Difference that Barcelona did not manage to wipe away even with the move to defense 5-1 proposed by Antonio Carlos Ortegaa, nor with the exit to the track of the Argentine goalkeeper Leo Maciel, who could not prevent the Vallesans from reaching the break with a four-goal lead (11-15) on the scoreboard.

Rent that grew even more at the beginning of the second half in which Granollers stood with a difference of five goals (11-16). However, the azulgrana reaction arrived and they turned the score around (19-18) after an 8-2 run. A reaction in which the goalkeeper played a fundamental role Gonzalo Perez de Vargas and the Brazilian defender Thiagus Petrus that not only closed all the ways to the goal to an increasingly exhausted Granollers, but also allowed Barcelona to run for the first time in the game.

Released at last, the Barcelona players continued to expand the partial more and more until they reached a devastating 12-2, which placed the azulgrana with a lead of five goals (23-18) with twelve minutes to go. But not so he gave up Granollers that with just over five minutes to go, he reduced his disadvantage to just two (25-23), which put him back squarely in the fight for the title.

A dream that was definitively shattered for the Vallesans with the final goals of Ludovic Fabregas and of Aleix Gómez which established the final 30-26 that gave Barcelona its twenty-sixth title of Cup champion, the ninth in a row.


30 – Barça: Perez de Vargas; Aleix Gómez (7, 5p), Mem (2), Fabregas (2), Petrus (2), N’Guessan (8) and Ángel Fernández (2) -initial team- Maciel (ps), Janc (-), Martí Soler (-), Cindric (4), Makuc (-), Langaro (1), Ben Ali (2), Richardson (-) and Ali Zein (-)

26 – Fraikin Granollers: Rangel Luán; Sergi Franco (-), Chema Márquez (8), Pol Valera (7, 1p), Antonio García (4), Adrià Martínez (1) and Esteban Salinas (6) -initial team- Varela (ps), Edgar Pérez (- ), Gurri (-), Álex Márquez (-), Armengol (-), De Sande (-), Rey (-), Amigó (-)

Marker every five minutes: 1-2, 3-4, 7-7, 9-10, 10-12 and 11-15 (Break) 15-17, 17-18, 21-18, 23-19, 26-23 and 30-26 ( Final)

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Referees: Andreu Marín and Ignacio García Serradilla (Catalonia). Langaro, Ali Zein and Janc were excluded for two minutes by Barça; and Antonio García, Amigó and Esteban Salinas for Fraikin Granollers.

Incidents: Final of the Copa del Rey handball played at the Fernando Argüelles pavilion in Antequera (Málaga) before some 2,500 spectators.

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