World Autism Awareness Day

by time news

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On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, which takes place on April 2, we are providing an update on this pervasive developmental disorder, which affects one in 160 children. Affecting brain function, the immune system, but also biological functioning, autism spectrum disorders are generally characterized by lack of social interaction and repetitive behaviors.

What are the origins of this disease? How do you deal with a child you don’t understand? What support for these children?

  • Dr Christophe Recasenspsychiatrist, head of the Autism Spectrum Disorders Assessment Unit, at theCreteil hospital, in the Paris region. Psychiatrist in a medical-educational institute (IME).
  • Pr Valentin Dassa, professor of psychiatry at the University of Lomé. Head of the psychiatry department CHU Campus de Lomé in Togo. Pedopsychiatrist, child and adolescent psychiatrist.

► At the end of the program, we come back to the first year of experimentation with therapeutic cannabis in France. Since the end of March 2021, the use of medical cannabis has been authorized as part of a two-year experiment, involving 3,000 patients. We talk about it with Dr Pascal Douek, suffering from multiple sclerosis, who takes part in this experimental phase. Author of the book Medical cannabis, a new chancepublished by Solar.

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