After the gaffe about the flood, the CDU candidate for the chancellery slips into the polls

by time news – Just 26% of Germans think that the CDU candidate for the chancellery, Armin Laschet, is adequate to deal with a crisis. This is what emerges from a Civey poll for Der Spiegel, relaunched by Reuters.

The poll, the first to give some indication of how the flood catastrophe could affect the September legislative elections, also indicates that 41% of Germans believe that their Social Democrat trusty, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, may he be a good ‘crisis manager’.

For Annalena Baerbock, a candidate of the Greens, currently behind in the conservative polls, the figure is not very brilliant because only 24% of Germans would consider it adequate to face a crisis.

The survey was carried out between 16 and 18 July, therefore in the aftermath of the catastrophic flood but also after the sensational gaffe of Laschet, surprised by the cameras laughing at the scene of the disaster; and after the announcement by the Minister of Finance that the first direct and concrete aid will immediately arrive to the affected populations


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