Discovering the world’s first treatment for heart attacks

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: British scientists are working to benefit from a technology used in the manufacture of Covid-19 vaccines, to develop a treatment for heart attacks.

Regeneration of damaged hearts

Scientists at King’s College Hospital London are conducting studies to adapt the genetic tracer used to make corona vaccines, to help regenerate hearts damaged by heart attacks.

The study’s lead researcher, Professor Mauro Giacha, was quoted by the British newspaper “Daily Mail” as saying: “We are all born with a set number of muscle cells in our heart and they are exactly the same cells that we will die in. The heart cannot repair itself after a heart attack. Our goal is to find a treatment that can Persuading the remaining cells to multiply.

The same technology as the Corona vaccine

“We use exactly the same technology as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to inject RNA molecules into the heart, reach the remaining heart cells and drive their proliferation. New cells will replace the dead ones, and the patient will have new muscle tissue,” Giaka added.

In addition to helping hearts regenerate, Giaka noted, his team is working on a treatment that stops cell death during a heart attack.

Giaka confirmed that attempts to regenerate damaged pig hearts have been successful so far, and human tests are scheduled in the next two years.

Cardiac arrests shock the heart muscle, killing up to 100 cells in this vital organ. The human heart does not have the ability to heal itself, leaving many victims of cardiac arrest with serious consequences that lead to further complications.

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