Scientists have described the signs of impending death

by time news

Experts have found that deterioration of motor functions in people over 65 can signal impending death. Such conclusions were reached by a group of researchers from France and Great Britain.

According to the scientific journal The BMJ, the study began at the end of the 20th century. Scientists have studied the impact of social, behavioral, and biological factors on health in the long term. Six thousand volunteers took part in the experiment. Their age ranged from 35 to 55 years old.

For 9 years, study participants were assessed for walking speed, time to get up from a chair, and measures of other daily activities.

As a result, it turned out that weakening motor function was correlated with an increased risk of mortality. It turned out that difficulties in performing daily tasks indicated an approaching death in 30 percent of cases. A decrease in walking speed spoke of a threat to life in 22% of cases.

It also found that among the study participants who subsequently died, the time to get out of the chair was worse in the ten years before death. Self assessment of motor function worsened in seven years, and difficulties in daily life – in four years.

Scientists are now advocating similar screenings to assess patients’ physical activity. Doctors believe that identifying problems with such functions will help take timely measures to correct the situation.


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