Ómicron induces a weak immune response in unvaccinated people

by time news





Unlike antibodies induced by Covid-19 vaccines or infections with earlier SARS-CoV-2 variants, antibodies induced by the BA.1 and BA.2 omicron variants do not neutralize other versions of the virus, researchers at the Medical University of Vienna (Austria) when they analyzed blood samples obtained after omicron infection.

People infected with Omicron after three doses of mRNA vaccines designed to neutralize earlier versions of the virus had high levels of neutralizing antibodies against both Omicron variants, although efficacy was lower than against earlier versions of SARS-CoV. -2, according to a report under peer review in Nature Portfolio and published in Research Square.

We detected almost no neutralizing antibodies directed at non-Omicron virus strains

But among those whose immune systems had not been primed to recognize the virus through vaccination or natural infection, antibodies after Omicron infection “were highly specific for the respective Omicron variant, and we detected almost no targeted neutralizing antibodies.” to strains of virus that are not from Ómicron”, they point out Karin Stiasny y Judity Aberleauthors of the study.

The BA.2-induced antibodies seemed particularly poorly able to defend against any other variant, they added. The study “emphasizes the importance of booster shots for immune protection.”

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