Endgame in Mariupol?

by time news

“Sixty-ninth day of total war, comments in its daily follow-up on the online newspaper Oukraïnska Pravda. Fighting continues actively in the east. The regions of Kherson, Zaporijjia and Kharkiv are still partly occupied. The Russians are attacking [l’usine] Azovstal, in Mariupol, where the Ukrainian fighters are heroically defending. In addition, enemy missiles are hitting Odessa more and more often.”

Earlier in the day on May 3, it was announced, explains Oukraïnska Pravda, what “the Russian occupiers [avaient] began the assault on the Azovstal plant defended by Ukrainian forces in besieged Mariupol”. Svyatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the Azov regiment, said: “All night we were bombarded by air force, two civilian women were killed, and at this very moment an assault is taking place on Azovstal.”

“According to the deputy commander of the Azov regiment, the Russians are currently trying to enter the territory of the factory. Prior to the assault, Russian aircraft bombed the site.”

Russia needs success

Then “the defender sent a message” in Kiev: “We know that President Zelensky is aware of the situation in Mariupol and is taking the pulse. We expect strong action from him because the situation is very complicated.”

“The site came under such heavy shelling after the partial evacuation of 150 civilians that it started a terrible fire visible throughout the city.”

It is possible that the Russian military will seek to force the decision in Mariupol before May 9, hoping

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