What challenges for COP 15 desertification?

by time news

Published on : 05/05/2022 – 15:00

” Earth. Life. Legacy: from scarcity to prosperity”: this is the theme of the COP desertification, COP 15 which opens on May 9, 2022 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. From sub-Saharan Africa to Central Asia via the Middle East, hundreds of millions of people are currently suffering from drought, a phenomenon aggravated by global warming and human activity. There is a lack of water, the desert is advancing, the soil is degrading, the prices of foodstuffs are rising and poverty is accentuated.

For 2 weeks, the representatives of the 195 member countries of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification will try in Abidjan to agree on a series of objectives with one ambition: to stop the increase in desertification which threatens 40% of emerged land… How to meet this challenge? With what means, what actors?

Initiated in 2005 by the African Union, started in 2007, the project to erect a Great Green Wall in the Sahel had raised a lot of hope. 15 years later, where are we?

Guests :

– Jean-Luc ChotteDirector of Research at the IRD and President of the French Scientific Committee on Desertification

– Patrice Burgerfounding president of l’ONG CARImember of the panel of experts of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, co-president of the international network Drynet, which brings together civil society organizations in the Convention.

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