The medic present in the arena recreates minute by minute

by time news
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It came out of nowhere.

Sitting with friends as is the custom of the world on Friday night, enjoying happy cholent food, atmosphere of Saturday evening in the air …

Finishing I get in the car with a friend on the way home to rest from the challenging and fun day I had, happy and kind-hearted …

I never imagined that in less than a minute everything would turn on me …

I managed to get in the car and it was only about fifty meters ahead, towards the end of Ibn Gvirol Street I see a bus stop and do not continue to drive, I patiently opened a window and then I hear a student approaching me and shouting, ‘Paramedic. Anyone here wearing? ‘

There parking, raises Ambrax, and gets out of the vehicle. I did not even take with me the medic bag that was lying as always in the trunk of the car. I imagined it must be just a faint or something like that, the silence that was then on the quiet street did not seem like an event of this magnitude as it became clear to me a few seconds later.

I bypass the bus and head in the direction where the hippo signaled to me with my finger, and that’s it, here I am the image is simply deleted.

I start working like a robot … a runner checks for signs of life, the injury is severe, there are no signs of life …

A drive center on the line informs them of the incident, gives a location and asks for permission to stop the resuscitation … how hard it is to say those words …

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A minute passes until another drive emerges from the parking lot very close to me … We both look at each other and understand, the eyes say everything …

Someone shouts that it’s a terrorist … an ax … Unclear words, the order comes immediately … ‘Defend’, ‘The terrorists are still free’
The mind begins to perceive what it seemed until minutes ago as an imagination … in the city of Torah and Hasidism such a quiet and calm place …
An attack is taking place!

Reports of another arena developing in the municipal park …

Get in the car, drive home and get up.

At the entrance to the house, I realize that my hands are still full of Jewish blood …

Mixed feelings, on the one hand a sharp and deep pain for the dead, for their families

On the other hand, it is impossible to dodge and the thought that again it does not skip the city of Torah, Bnei Brak … Elad ..
The signs show that the name wants something from us …
In the sensitive places, inside the sanctuary …
The heart refuses to believe, engraves in the heart the flooding and rising emotions ..
A few hours have passed and the feelings increase and rise …

‘The degree of mercy on us has rolled, and before the end of our prayer the elephant’

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