Expert advises against permanent isolation of the nuclear power

by time news

Russian ICBM

Russia has repeatedly threatened to use its nuclear weapons.

(Photo: AP)

Berlin According to the Tübingen conflict researcher Andreas Hasenclever, the western states cannot avoid dialogue with Russia forever. “In many policy areas, nothing works without Russian cooperation and support,” says Hasenclever in an interview with the Handelsblatt. He cites climate change as an example. “So we have to start thinking about how we can and want to talk to Russia after the war.”

Hasenclever emphasizes that permanent isolation of Russia is not desirable. Even if the Russian forces withdraw back behind their borders, they will remain stationed right there. “No one can want a Russian North Korea to emerge in Eastern Europe,” he says.

Despite all justified outrage, the West must accept that “nuclear powers lose a war but cannot be defeated”. The USA was not held responsible for Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan. “This sad privilege of the great and nuclear powers will also apply to Russia after the Ukraine war.”

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