“All I want is to bring Ferrari back to the top”, insists Leclerc

by time news

Before diving into his grand prix at home, the Monegasque driver remains focused on his objective: winning the title at the end of the season.

At the dawn of his most important meeting of the year, at home in Monaco, Charles Leclerc missed the opportunity to present himself as the leader of the world championship. Blame it on an engine failure last week in Barcelona, ​​where Max Verstappen took the opportunity to take control of the driver standings.

A week later, Leclerc hopes to regain control by finally shining in front of his audience, he who has always experienced setbacks on “the roads of (his) childhood“, starting with last year, when he took pole before crashing on his last lap, mortgaging his chances of starting the next day. “This time I will not take the same risks because I know the points will be very important“, he assures in an interview granted to The Team.

The opportunity is too good to confirm the return to the front of the stage of the Scuderia. “All I want is to win the championship with Ferrari, whether against Max (Verstappen), Lewis (Hamilton) or anyonesays the Monegasque. What I want is to bring Ferrari back to the top!»

It will start with a successful weekend at home in the Principality, where the Scuderia had limited the breakage last year with the podium snatched by Carlos Sainz (3rd). Finally triumphing in Monte-Carlo will not be an end in itself for Leclerc: “I can’t choose where to win but the title is more important. I want it !»

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