NGOs are alarmed by speculation and the productivist reaction of European authorities

by time news

Published on : 01/06/2022 – 11:27

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, cereal prices have soared: +20.5% in three months. A serious food crisis is looming, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. Several NGOs are however alarmed by the reaction of the authorities within the European Union.

These NGOs are alarmed by the reaction of the authorities within the European Union, which allow ever more intense production despite a harmful impact on the environment and despite the rules in force. A counter-productive reaction, according to a report published Tuesday, May 31 by Greenpeace, CCFDT-Terre solidaire, Foundation for Nature and Man and Friends of the Earth.

►Also read: Ukraine: rising grain prices will weigh on an already inflationary context

The drop in grain production in Ukraine and the difficulties in exports are often blamed for the looming food crisis. But for Valentin Brochard, of CCFD-Terre solidaire, these are not the main reasons: “ The surge in current prices is not linked to a problem of production and availability on international markets, but it is linked to an unprecedented boom in these food markets. On the Paris wheat market last month, 72% of buyers were speculators. They were firms or investment funds, they were financiers, they were in no way distributors or traders ».

« Increase production »

« The first political responses that have been made are responses that will nevertheless aim to increase production “, according to Caroline Faraldo of the Foundation for nature and man, who also recalls that despite the conflict, there is no shortage of cereals. For example, the EU has just re-authorized the recultivation of fallow land which is essential for the preservation of biodiversity: “ We can clearly see that environmental ambitions are being unraveled under the pretext of this war in Ukraine. “, continues Caroline Faraldo, of the Foundation for nature and man.

The NGOs plead for better regulation of the food market and call for the preservation of the ambitions of the European policy known as ” from farm to fork which plans to move agriculture towards a more sustainable model.

Read also : Worrying food situation in West Africa, cereal stocks at an all-time low

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