The European Parliament votes the end of sales of new thermal vehicles from 2035

by time news

This proposal was issued by the European Commission last July. The objective of “zero emissions” was the subject of a bitter battle in the hemicycle.

The automobile continues its decarbonization. The European Parliament on Wednesday approved, despite fierce opposition from the right, Brussels’ proposal to reduce emissions from new cars to zero from 2035, de facto only authorizing the sale of electric vehicles.

MEPs, meeting in plenary session in Strasbourg, validated the text on the regulation of CO2 emissions from cars and vans, which is part of the EU’s ambitious climate plan, by 339 for (249 votes against, 24 abstentions). This tight vote determines the position of MEPs before their negotiations with member states to finalize a compromise. Cars account for 12% of CO2 emissions in the EU.

The objective of the “zero emissionswas the subject of a bitter battle in the hemicycle, with an amendment from the EPP (pro-European right and leading force in Parliament) proposing to aim instead for a 90% reduction in car emissions by 2035. This would have allowed to continue selling hybrid cars. The amendment was ultimately narrowly defeated. Conversely, the Greens, who wanted to advance the ban on heat engines to 2030, were not convinced either. The right, which called for also taking into account the carbon emitted for the production of a car, also failed to pass an amendment promoting the use of “synthetic fuelspotentially greener than fossils.

Pascal Canfin hails “an important and consistent victory”

«We set a clear course for the industry by supporting the end of combustion engines in 2035, an important victory and consistent with the objective of carbon neutrality for 2050“, since a car runs on average 15 years, welcomed Pascal Canfin (Renew, liberals), chairman of the Environment Committee in Parliament. With 13 years to change the most important industry in terms of jobs in Europe, “entering electromobility is a way to protect both the climate and jobs in this sector over time“, confirms German MEP Michael Bloss (Greens).

In addition, “the phasing out of combustion engines is a historic opportunity to end our dependence on oil“, while the increased production of electric vehicles will help to lower the price, welcomes Alex Keynes, of the NGO Transport & Environment. The right, which logically voted against the entire text, is however alarmed by the industrial consequences. “Imposing zero emissions would mean condemning a whole section of industrial activity and would strongly penalize consumers», Estimates Agnès Evren (EPP). She criticizes a text that “prevent the marketing of high-performance hybrid vehicles or vehicles using biofuels“, the production of which could prove to be cheaper and less carbon-emitting than electric vehicles.

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