The Government mobilizes 3,000 million in a plan to recover scientific talent that has fled abroad

by time news
  • The strategy, approved by the Council of Ministers, includes 30 measures that will be implemented in the next 18 months

one of the great outstanding debts of the Spanish scientific system it is with the researchers who, after a decade of cutbacks, had to emigrate abroad in search of opportunities and who now cannot return to work in Spain because of the lack of opportunities, the bureaucratic obstacles and the enormous labor inequalities entrenched in the national laboratories. For try to stop (and reverse) this brain drainthe Council of Ministers has approved a specific plan to “attract and retain” scientific talent in Spain. The strategy, announced this Tuesday, contemplates a investment of 3,000 million euros and the deployment of 30 measures which will be executed in the next 18 months.

The plan, promoted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, includes from regulatory reforms until new calls y information and advice tools. “We need the scientists who left to come back, not to leave those who are here and attract the best. quality of Spanish science depends on our capacity for this”, explained the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morantduring the press conference after the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.

As announced this Tuesday, the strategy for recover escaped scientific talent will split into three strategic lines of action. The first will be focused oncreate more opportunities and better conditions for the development of scientific careers in universities and public research organizations.” The second aims to “eliminate barriers and create new incentives for attracting international scientific enthusiasm” by Spanish public sector. And the third will try to promote the incorporation of emigrated scientists to the private sector.

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draw a specific plan to try to reverse the brain drain was, until now, the great pending task left by the law of science in Spain and the promise that Morant made to a Spanish scientific community victim of the economic crisis. “We need to reach out to all those professionals who had to emigrate from Spain, who have enormous talent, who have acquired a lot of experience abroad and who now they want to return to Spain“he explained Morant in an interview with EL PERIÓDICO. “We are convinced that the best way to get them back is to fix the system. With more budget, better facilities and more opportunities. The more prestigious our laboratories, more opportunities will have to return“Morant added in statements to this newspaper.

These are some of the measures included in the new plan for attracting and retaining scientific and innovative talent in Spain.

Creating a call for “research consolidation” in the State Research Agency (AEI) for national and foreign scientists who want to develop their careers in Spanish universities and research centers. The initiative, especially focused on young researchers, would access to a fixed place after completing the postdoctoral itinerary.

120% restocking fee

The plan raises 120% restocking fee for scientific and technical staff in Spanish public research centres. This measure, already included in the budgets for 2022, implies that “for every 10 scientists who become jubilee, 12 will be hired“.

Grants for senior scientists

Creation of a “complementary aid” to attract “renowned senior scientists international prestige” towards the Spanish scientific system. The grants will be focused on covering expenses such as, for example, relocation, travel, moving and installation of researchers, as well as funding for seminars and short stays in Spain.

Easier accreditation

Among the most notable bureaucratic changes in this plan is the measure focused on simplify the accreditation procedure for him foreign-born teachers. The process, which from now on can also be carried out in English, will also be open to professionals who are in the early stages of their scientific career.

The plan also provides measures to “improve information, advice and communication” for researchers who want to join the Spanish scientific system. In this way, for example, a specific advice line is contemplated to guide on salary supplements and others Job opportunities.

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