Spain creates the Space Council, the previous step to the Spanish Space Agency

by time news
  • The interministerial group was born with the aim of “accelerating work” so that the agency is operative “early 2023”

The Spanish Space Agency is already one step closer to becoming a reality. This Tuesday, the Council of Ministers approved the creation of the Space Council, a step prior to the definitive takeoff of the Spanish aerospace organization. East interministerial groupin fact, was born with the aim of “speed up work” so that the agency is operative “early 2023”.

As announced this Tuesday, the newly created Space Council will be in charge of “draw up the statutes and the initial plan of action” of the future Spanish Space Agency. This public body, in turn, will be forged with the aim of “coordinate effectively” the work that is being carried out in different areas of the Spanish aerospace sector, with special emphasis on the earth observation projectsgeolocation and telecommunications.

The creation of these public institutions dedicated to space, as explained by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morantassumes a “clear commitment to the Spanish aerospace sector“. “”The space sector is transversal and concerns areas such as security, defence, the study of science, research, the aerospace industry and telecommunications”, Morant argued during the press conference after the Council of Ministers this Tuesday.

Coordination between ministries

The Space Council will be headed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and, in turn, will have representation from different institutions such as the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government and the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory; Defending; Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda; Industry, Commerce and Tourism; Inside; Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge; Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation; Agriculture, Fishing and Food; Treasury and Public Function; Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation; and the National Intelligence Center.

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This same philosophy will also be applied to the future Spanish Space Agency. According to the preliminary draft of the science law, the objective of the Spanish Space Agency will be the “promotion, execution and development” of projects related to the field “space, security and national defense“. This body, in turn, will integrate functions that are currently distributed in different entities and different ministerial spheres.

“Space is a place of opportunities for science and research. For this reason, the Spanish Space Agency is going to be the one coordinate and drive all activities that have to do with this sector. From telecommunications projects to earth observation projects,” Morant explained in an interview with EL PERIÓDICO. “Spain is a country that believes in the space sector and knows that we are facing an emerging industry where we have a lot of potential.” , commented the minister in declarations to this newspaper.

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