After the death of tourists on Elbrus, a criminal case was initiated

by time news

The Investigation Department of the ICR in Kabardino-Balkaria opened a criminal case under the article “provision of services that do not meet the requirements of the safety of life and health of the consumer, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence” (part 3 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in connection with the death of five people who climbed Elbrus. As reported on the website of the TFR, the tourists died from hypothermia.

According to the investigation, a group of 23 tourists began climbing Elbrus at 10 am on September 23. The group included residents of various Russian regions, accompanied by four guides. Before the ascent, the group registered its route with the Ministry of Emergencies.

As specified in the TFR, at the first stage of the ascent, four tourists abandoned the ascent and began to descend. However, the remaining 19 people, “despite the complicating weather conditions”, continued their ascent. “At about 14:00 strong wind and blizzard began, the group found itself in poor visibility, up to one meter, and temperatures below –20 ° C,” the ministry said in a statement. On the descent, according to the decision of the guides, the group split up. During the descent, according to preliminary data, five people died from hypothermia. Rescuers managed to evacuate 14 people from the mountain. Currently, they are being provided with medical assistance, and investigators are working with them.

Alexandra Larintseva, Pyatigorsk


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