How far will the Higgs Boson take us?

by time news

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How far will the Higgs Boson take us? Discovered just 10 years ago by physicists at CERN, the most discreet and mysterious particle in the Universe is far from having revealed all its secrets about the birth of the Universe, the origin of matter see dark matter…

Let’s meet around the most discreet and mysterious of particles: the Higgs Boson discovered just 10 years ago at the LHC, the large particle accelerator at CERN in Geneva. The Boson of Brout Englert and Higgs is far from having revealed all its secrets. It is even these mysterious behaviors and these anomalies that today excite particle physicists around the world, to open dizzying new questions about the birth of the Universe, from this Higgs Boson, of which we even wonder s wouldn’t he be a hermaphrodite?

Emission on 10 years since the discovery of the Higgs Boson with Yves Sirois, CNRS physicist at the Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory (CNRS/Institut polytechnique de Paris), member of the CMS collaboration and Rosy Nikolaidou, physicist at the Institute for Research on the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (Irfu) of the CEA (CEA-Irfu), member of the Atlas collaboration.

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