Kudrin advised to work in the creative industry

by time news

The sphere of the creative industry is growing faster than other sectors of the economy around the world, says the head of the Accounts Chamber of Russia Alexei Kudrin at the Masters.Forum forum. According to him, there is a great demand for creative specialists and it is better to work in this area.

Mr. Kudrin said that in the United States this market has reached $ 1 trillion, in China – almost the same, and in Russia – about 2.5 trillion rubles. ($ 34 billion). “This area is growing faster than all other sectors of the economy in the world. What is the reason for this? With the fact that, in general, the world’s inhabitants are becoming a little wealthier, they need more individual qualities of any product, the so-called customization of the world economy, more focused on the needs of each person, is underway, ”said Alexei Kudrin during the session“ O wondrous new world: why everyone talks about the creative economy ”.

“I want to appeal to the entire audience: work in this area,” said the head of the Accounts Chamber. In his opinion, in the coming decades, the share of the creative economy in the world economy will increase. “This area will be in demand for decades, there will be a new demand for the improvement of any product – from machine tools in industry, from some industrial complexes, which should also be very designer, embody completely new consumer qualities, to completely everyday things that are found in every home, “Mr. Kudrin believes.

“We now have about 2% of GDP in the zone of these industries. According to the concept for the development of creative industries, which was adopted this week in the government, we must reach the level of about 6% by 2030, “- assessed the situation with the creative industry in Russia, Alexei Kudrin. In the Russian Federation, this market is about 2.5 trillion rubles, said the head of the Accounts Chamber.

At the end of September, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order approving the concept for the development of creative (creative) industries until 2030 in large urban agglomerations. The document, developed by the Ministry of Culture in cooperation with the expert community, describes the goals, priorities, principles and mechanisms of state support for the creative sector of the economy – the creative industries in the understanding of the government include cinema, architecture, visual and theater arts, fashion, design and advertising.

In early August, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) presented the results of an analysis of key economic indicators on the development of creative industries in Russia in comparison with countries with a high development of this sector. According to HSE researchers, the gross value added of the sector in the Russian economy in 2019 reached almost 2.4 trillion rubles. ($ 104.6 billion at purchasing power parity), or 2.4% of GDP.

Read about the development of the creative industry in the publication of “Kommersant” “Cultural Resolution”.


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