Chinese scientists develop a robot fish that sucks up microplastics

by time news

A group of researchers from University of Sichuanin southwestern China, have developed a robot fish-shaped who is capable of vacuum microplastics.

The goal of the team is that the “animal” can help a clean up los polluted oceans with millions of tiny pieces of plastic. At the moment, it is able to do it in shallow watersbut they want it to become possible send it a zones plus deep to work and at the same time send information on the state of pollution in the aquatic environment.

Does not disturb other species

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Researcher Wang Yuyan explained that the pez es suave al touch and measure only 1.3 centimeters. Also, it is made of polyurethaneso if you know eat others animalsthese will be able digest it.

The robot displaces Thanks to the luz of a infrared laser located in the tail, which makes the material with move and so advance. Scientists can control it for avoid what shock against the marine inhabitants.

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