Tamara Falc: “My family was more about hunting than books”

by time news


The daughter of Isabel Preysler and Carlos Falc premieres her own reality show on August 4 on Netflix

Tamara Falc stresses her new series ‘La marquesa’.
  • ‘The marquesse’ Release date and trailer of Tamara Falc’s reality show on Netflix

Tamara Falc is a perfect synthesis of Spanish ancestry. In the family album, which is the magazine Hola!, are Julio Iglesias, and Enrique, and Miguel Boyer -“Uncle Miguel”-, and the Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, and of course his father, Carlos Falc, from whom he has inherited the marquisate of Grin. And how The marquesse is presented in a nuevo reality for Netflix that opens next August 4, nine years after the previous and failed experience of We Love Tamara to Cosmo.

Winner of Masterchef Celebrity in 2019Tamara has found in the kitchen a vocation and a new vein with which to enrich her public facet of influencer. The challenge and plot of The marquesse are precisely setting up an ephemeral restaurant in The Rincn, the dilapidated family palace in Aldea del Fresno. The culinary challenge and the preparation of the mansion for the occasion articulate the plot of this first season.

Tamara appears with a small entourage at the Netflix headquarters in Madrid to talk about the series, with the sympathy that is presumed and a Spain with 30,000 tamaras jellies her a little because of her. She is in pain from a broken shoulder that needs to be operated on-“they think I’ve had an accident but they don’t know when”-but she doesn’t stop smiling. As in the opening bars of The marquesse, when in the photocall of his 40th birthday party his representative, Chus Martn, recommends: “don’t talk, just smile”.

Do you think that those of our generation are installed in a perpetual youth?
It’s possible. Does it happen to you? When I was a child, the older ones were very old. I remember walking into the typical dark wood paneled office and thinking that you never wanted to get to the age of those who were there. Now the offices are kind coollike this one on Netflix, and people wear sneakers, like you.
There is the clich of Tamara Falc as a naive, innocent girl…
Silly, say it, say it, it’s okay.
I wonder if that apparent innocence, if the smoothness of the shapes is really a tool to get what you want. Because you say in the reality show that you are very stubborn.
I do not think so! I don’t see it as a strategy. I really think it’s my way of being. There is a part of me that is like that, and in fact many times I recognize it in my mother too. Although she doesn’t have her voice, nor this childish thing… But there is a part of her in her that is very innocent, and she is not a fool. What is certain is that I ask everything. When I went to study in the United States at the age of 15, as soon as I arrived they told me that there was no stupid question. In Spain I was more silent, but then I said to myself, this is mine. And until today.
You studied Communication. It has helped you to manage your public image and to calmly face the maledicence of the gossip and the bad drool of people on social networks? It gives the feeling that what they say slips on you.
For that, the only thing that has helped me has been my friends, managers and partners from The Lab Talents, who are the ones who encourage me and help me with all these issues. My social network is my community and I try to take care of it. I am lucky that the girls who follow me, and I say girls because 82 percent are women, we have all the data [aqu por unos segundos le cambia la voz, se vuelve grave, empresarial]They are very close to me. Many times, when people get into my profile to criticize me, they defend me like a beast. I also try to delete the comments and block those people. They are harmful, and I like peace, tranquility and harmony.
At one point in the reality show, your mother says that at home, when you were little, they called you ‘the actress’.
Yes, Sarah Bernhardt, she called me. I have never quite known who Sarah Bernhardt was, but she liked to use that reference. The truth is that I loved her. As a child I had a very good memory and learned entire lines from movies and plays. Madame Bovary I knew it all.
The movie, not the novel. Yes, because I loved it. When I had to prepare an essay to get into Stoneleigh-Burnham, my school in Massachusetts, I wrote about Madame Bovary. “Some love her, others hate her…”. When she saw it my mother took it and tore it into pieces.
It didn’t seem appropriate.
It didn’t seem appropriate at all. But it is something that Mario and I have in common, because Madame Bovary It is his favorite novel.
How is your relationship with Vargas Llosa?
great. I loved reading Mario before he was my mother’s boyfriend. Aunt Julia and the writer, Mischief of the bad girl… It is wonderful. He was a good friend of my uncle Miguel and he used to come to our house for dinner from time to time. In a scene from the reality show, during the trip to New York, Mario takes me to a fantastic bookstore and gives me a book. I have it at home. But lately I have the reading completely parked.
Like everyone.
You too? The truth is that you have to find peace, space and silence, and now with all the technologies and life we ​​lead it is very difficult. I remember a vacation in Kenya with some English friends. At one point I walked into a room and everyone, each in a corner, was suddenly reading. English life is very different.
Is there a library in El Rincn, the castle you inherited from your father?
My Falc family wasn’t much of a reader, mind you. They were more hunting. My father doesn’t either, but his ex-wife, Ftima de la Cierva, does.
El Rincn is one of the protagonists of ‘La Marquesa’. Has he responded to you or is he one of all the brothers?
El Rincn corresponds to the five brothers, but my father leaves some debts, especially with Manolo, my older brother. We have to settle accounts with the banks, with his widow, and in the end Manolo buys his share from all the brothers except me. He wanted me to buy and stay fifty percent, but I just bought a flat, I’ve got a mortgage, so I told him, Manolo, you’re a investment banker, great, but I don’t have money for that. So what I’ve done is keep my share. He has 85 percent and I have 15. Besides, all that has to be fixed, El Rincn is falling apart; You will see it in the series. We have to repair the roof, the gardens… Of all that I have to pay 15 percent, and half I won’t be able to. The truth is that the whole theme of El Rincn coincided with the reality show, and we thought that visiting it was one of the things we could do. Total, we are going to see it with Netflix and we are received by a guard with a car with zeal.
How with zeal?
With CE-LO. During Filomena a tree had fallen on top of the car and everything was sticky around it, on the windshield. I freaking out
So you went to see him wildly.
We went wild. The house had been closed for three years. It was freezing cold. They started recording everything. I said, don’t record! and Juanpi [Juanpi Cofr, director de La Marquesa], record! he was delighted. He told me, this is very good on television. And I thought, I don’t know exactly where the idea of ​​glamor and luxury that we want to give is here. They had to convince me, but then I thought about it and said to myself, well, here begins the plot.
Wasn’t there a previously designed plot?
I think we skipped pre-production a bit, and it would be important to do it if there is a second season. There was a plot, a spiritual part, a trip to Jerusalem that finally could not be done due to Covid. But, as my father used to say, divine providence never abandons its little birds, and El Rincn is falling apart and it was phenomenal for us, and then Carolina Herrera did her parade, and we all went to New York, we had the audience with the Dad…
Are you worried that your spiritual facet is perceived as frivolous?
It does not worry me. I think it should be normal. People see faith as far away because they don’t know ordinary saints. Faith is identified with churches, older people, habits, and I think it’s great that people like Ani and Cas Finat come out, who are cute and fun girls, praying the rosary with me. I think you have to show that side of normal people doing normal things.
You have been building the reality show a bit as you go along, then. At least you took the opportunity to give El Rincn a little hand.
Definitely. My idea is that opening a restaurant there could be a long-term project. For now it will be a pop-upinitially three weekends in a row in September.
Doing a reality show with your boyfriend is a kind of commitment. Have you thought of it like that? End the season with a ring?
The idea at first was not for igo to participate. But the problem when you do a reality show is that you need people to talk to (laughs). This, the people who want to do their reality show, take it into account. You have to find people who are willing to go out, and that’s a problem. In my environment, first, my main relatives or each one has their manager or they get paid their fees, and the rest do not want to leave. My friends run away from the press. The last thing they want is to be in a Netflix thing. So in the end we had to convince igo.
Imagine then that the first season is a success and more needs to be done.
Well, we’re dead. Because we have hunted them once, but the second will be worse. And if this is still a success, imagine the eighteenth. They were already stressing me out, like, we have to start recording in August, but I’m not going to start anything, I have to have surgery on my shoulder, leave me alone, I almost didn’t survive the first one… They told me that was one of the questions I couldn’t answer and I’ve already screwed up, right?
And about the menu at El Rincn, can you tell us something in advance?
No way. With what it has cost me to get that men forward. That is a state secret.

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