Travel insurance? Card or healthcare?

by time news

Although these are tips that should be taken into account some time in advance, it never hurts to mentally review all the aspects that should be taken into account before traveling abroad, and make a list so that you do not forget anything essential. In the middle of July there are still many people who have not started their vacations, and in addition to the particularities that the pandemic still leaves You must bear in mind the restrictions and recommendations that mark each chosen destination. The Consumers Union of Aragon (UCARAGON) has already made this reflection and offers a very interesting vision of the subject since it is expected that during this summer of 2022 figures similar to those prior to the pandemic in terms of vacation mobility will be reached.

Recommendations for traveling abroad

It is advisable to consult the website of the Ministry of Health as it offers all the health advice for international travel, vaccinations and informative notes in relation to international public health incidents and events, emerging and re-emerging diseases. In addition, it is recommended to check the information regarding international trips to or from Spain in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.

Documentation and minors

It is essential that the necessary documentation when traveling is in force to avoid last minute problems. In addition, at traveling with minors, or if minors are traveling alone, border agents have the power to carry out a thorough inspection of documents and travel documents, in order to ensure that minors do not leave Spanish territory against the will of the persons exercising their parental authority or guardianship.

They can also request documentation that proves the parental authority or guardianship of the companions or those who sign the minor’s travel authorization with an adult.

Healthcare abroad

The European Health Card (EHIC) is a personal document, free of charge, with which you have the right to receive health care outside the country’s borders, in the territory of the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland and in other states with which Spain has signed a bilateral agreement on this matter. Let, In the event of illness or accident, holders and beneficiaries of Spanish Social Security healthcare can export this right for temporary travel. The European states in which the European Health Card currently operates are Germany, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland. The validity of the document, managed from Spain, will be subject to the date that is registered on the card.

Medical care is provided only by official institutions or doctors belonging to the official social security network of the country of displacement.

Where to renew or apply for the European Health Card

  • European Health Card without digital certificate: You must complete the information that the form requests and have the address that appears in the Social Security database updated, since it must coincide with the one you enter.
  • European Health Card with SMS: in order to verify the identity, the system will send a code, via SMS, to the telephone number previously registered with Social Security.
  • European Health Card with digital certificate: to obtain the European Health Card, in the ‘Health care’ section, click on ‘Request European health card’ and indicate the address to which you want the card to be sent.

Differences between travel insurance or medical insurance abroad

Travel insurance is not the same as medical health insurance abroad, since the first covers any incident that may occur during the trip abroad: cancellations of trips, flights or loss of luggage, missed flights or connections, and emergencies that may arise during the momentary stay outside our country.

Before signing up for medical assistance or travel insurance, it is necessary to have information on the general and optional coverages, as well as the cost of both insurances. If you have funeral insurance, it is recommended to be informed of the complementary coverage for accidents, travel assistance and repatriation.

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