“New escalation in the Middle East”: Senior U.S. military official on dramatic warning

by time news

The U.S. Air Force commander in the Middle East warned today (Thursday) that Iran-backed militias could resume attacks in the region against the United States and its allies following rising tensions in the region, attacks that could lead to a new escalation in the Middle East.

The United States sends a strong message to Iran: “Aid and armament Russia – a bad idea”

In a conversation with reporters before taking up his new post at Al-Odid Air Force Base in Qatar, Lt. Gen. Alex Greenkich also expressed concern about Russian and Chinese influence. Greenkitch said that “an apparent reversal of military relations between Russia and Iran, with Moscow likely to acquire Iranian UAVs, shows a little more about a relationship than we would like them to have, given the context of everything that is happening in Ukraine.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin met earlier this week with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei at the opening of the special summit in Tehran, which is also attended by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. During the conversation between the Russian and Iranian leaders, Khamenei stressed that he praised Russia’s policy toward Israel, and Putin in turn condemned the assassination of former Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani.

The Lebanese Hezbollah-affiliated al-Mayadin website reported that during a meeting between the Russian president and his Iranian counterpart, Putin stressed that “relations between the two countries are developing at a good pace. We can already boast new highs in trade between the two countries.”

Iran last month conducted a satellite missile test, prompting the White House to threaten further sanctions on Tehran in order to prevent it from accelerating its advanced ballistic missile program. The Iran International channel reported that the rocket exploded after being launched. This is despite Tehran’s claim of a successful launch of the satellite-carrying missile.

Pentagon spokesman Rob Ludwik expressed concern about the launch, saying the U.S. military “will continue to closely monitor Iran’s pursuit of sustainable space launch technology and its impact on progress in its overall ballistic missile program.”

The end of the nuclear deal with Iran? The head of British intelligence in a dramatic report

Meanwhile, the head of British intelligence, Richard MooreAnnounced tonight at the Aspen Conference that the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, Is not interested in returning to the 2015 nuclear deal. This is against the background of the words of the French Foreign Minister, Catherine ColonnaBecause “the window of opportunity to revive the nuclear deal is about to close.”

As stated, Kolona said that “because the situation is not sustainable and Iran is using delay tactics and returning to previous positions, despite things that have been agreed in the past.” She added that “there is still a window of opportunity but Iran must decide whether to accept the agreement, time passes and Tehran must understand this,” the French foreign minister said. The window of opportunity will close in a few weeks. There will be no better agreement than the one on the table. “

Remember, the Prime Minister Yair Lapid This week revealed details from his conversation with the US President Joe Biden. Lapid said that “during the visit, I made it clear to the president and his staff that Israel opposes the nuclear agreement and reserves full, political and operational freedom of action vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear program. The government will receive a comprehensive report on the president’s visit today,” Lapid stressed. At the same time, on the Iranian nuclear issue, Lapid stressed to government ministers that “we told Biden that we should have a military threat, if there is a good agreement we will support it.”

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