We’re on fire but we keep getting laid

by time news

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Fires in the North, floods in the South… the consequences of climate change are creating chaos in many places around the world, but that does not prevent Boeing from announcing an 82% increase in the number of planes by 2041. In question, mass tourism. So can we still travel without feeling guilty?

Guests :

– Joëlle Zask, philosopher author of When the forest burns: thinking about the new ecological disaster published by Premier Parallel

– Anthony Collin, Deputy Director of the CNRS Fire Research Group

Guillaume Lescuyer, specialist in forest policies in Central Africa at CIRAD

– Rodolphe Christinauthor of Real life is here, travel again ? published by Ecosociété

– Sebastien Porteauthor of The last plane, how air traffic destroys the environment at Tana Editions.

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