No Pass, the alert goes off: what can happen tomorrow

by time news

The Department of Public Security sent one prefects and quaestors circular, signed by the Chief of Police Lamberto Giannini, in view of Friday 15 October considered a highly critical day. The circular reads: “As part of the protests against the extraordinary measures adopted to contain the pandemic, there has been, in the recent period, a progressive escalation of mobilizations, with repeated calls for ‘disobedience’ especially through the web and social platforms, which resulted in frequent street demonstrations and initiatives even of an impromptu nature, which have registered the adhesion of a numerous and heterogeneous front in which, in more than one circumstance, the participation of extremist fringes was noted, which have directed the protest “. Furthermore, as we still read in the circular, it will result “a preventive is advisable”, careful analysis of notices of public initiatives also for “evaluate the possible adoption of specific prescriptions aimed at ensuring greater effectiveness in the planning of public order and safety devices”.

What the circular says

The compulsory certification to access the workplace has given way to a general mobilization that could then continue in the following days. As highlighted in the circular: “In this regard, in addition to demonstrations already forewarned in numerous provinces, further initiatives of opposition are announced from information activities, with principals in front of company entrances, at airports, ports, road, motorway and railway junctions, aimed at creating inconvenience with possible hindrance to the regularity of services and production activities “. With consequent repercussions also on local public transport, in which possible disservices for citizens have been announced from North to South.

Alert throughout Italy

The Department of Public Security therefore recommends the maximum intensification of the coordinated action of control of the territory of a general nature, as well as of observation towards elements or groups considered dangerous for public order. In fact, just tomorrow, the day of entry into force of the law, there could be a pretext for a further tightening of the tone of the dispute, as well as of “possible episodes of conflict between groups adhering to opposites extremisms “.

According to what emerges from the social networks of the groups opposed to the Green pass, garrisons are expected tomorrow before the Court of Milan starting at 10 in the morning. Also at that time an indefinite demonstration should start at the Arco della Pace where, we read in the chats, the most important event of the day should be held. A further garrison, at the same time, would also be expected in front of the State University of Milan in via Festa del Perdono. There will be more than 1000 law enforcement officers who will be employed tomorrow in the capital to guarantee the safety. A demonstration against the Green pass at the Circus Maximus and the closing events of the electoral campaign are scheduled in Rome. The historic center was also garrisoned, with particular attention to institutional buildings and sensitive objectives.

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