Influenza vaccine: pharmacists are ready –

by time news

THE EAGLE. Abruzzo pharmacies ready to vaccinate even against the flu. In a few days, the suppliers will make the first doses available for the 263 businesses that have already responded to the appeal of the Ministry of Health and are carrying out vaccinations against Covid-19. Meanwhile, there was a real assault for tampons in view of the entry into force, tomorrow, of the obligation of the Green pass for all workers, private companies and public administration. There have been cases of “upside play” with the price of the pads jumped from the agreed 15 euros to a good 20 euros. The national president of Assofarm, from L’Aquila Venanzio Gizzi he is categorical and invites us to respect the memorandum of understanding signed last August and to report any anomalies.
President, pharmacies are already vaccinating against Covid-19. When will they also take the field for the flu campaign?
«“As soon as we have full availability from the intermediate distribution, the suppliers who act as a link between pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies. A matter of days. Last year we were left without flu doses as the Regions, due to the coronavirus emergency , have quoted them without distributing them to pharmacies. For this season the number of influenza vaccines has been increased and the serum will soon be available in pharmacies that have requested it, also thanks to the agreements signed with the national associations of pharmacists and manufacturers. which guaranteed the supply ».
In which pharmacies will we be able to get the seasonal flu vaccine?
«Usually the same pharmacies that are providing the anti-Covid vaccination are adhering; 263 the total number in Abruzzo. Pharmacists had to follow a specific theoretical and practical course of the Higher Institute of Health to obtain the qualification and the title of vaccinators. A new training course will start shortly: applications to join will expire on October 27th ».
Are pharmacies ready for this second vaccination wave that will add up to the anti-Covid one?
«Yes, by now the mechanism has been run in, with adequate spaces and an organizational level calibrated on the protocols signed at national level which guarantee maximum safety for both users and pharmacists authorized to carry out vaccinations. If they can do it for the Covid vaccine, the more they are able to inject the vaccine doses against the flu ».
What categories of users can I contact pharmacies for the flu vaccination?
“Given that the protected categories, over sixty and patients suffering from pathologies, who fall within the range with free vaccine, for administration must contact the general practitioners, all the others can go to the pharmacy and choose to be vaccinated against the flu on the placed, of course, in the principals that adhere to the initiative. The alternative is to buy the vaccine at the pharmacy and receive it at home with the help of qualified nurses ».
There are reports of pharmacies that have raised the price of tampons from 15 to 20 euros, in view of the entry into force of the mandatory Green pass in the workplace: how to curb the phenomenon?
“The tampons cannot exceed the maximum cost of 15 euros, established in the memorandum of understanding signed, last August, by Assofarm, Federfarma, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and by the emergency commissioner, the general Francesco Paolo Figliuolo. Anyone who increases the price, but I think it is absolutely sporadic cases, should be immediately reported. The category of pharmacists is giving a great hand, in this period of health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and is careful to scrupulously apply the provisions agreed at ministerial level “.
In Abruzzo it is estimated that over 190 thousand people are currently without a Green pass. Has the vaccine race already begun in view of mandatory workplace certification?
“The pharmacies have been stormed to carry out the swabs. The problem is not finding the necessary material to carry out the exam, which is available on the market, but organizing and having the time to perform the required swabs, which are far beyond the possibilities. Each single pharmacy can cover, on average, from 30 to 40 tampons a day for the bureaucratic steps necessary to complete the exam and issue the Green pass “.
How long does it take for a pharmacist to carry out the test and issue the green certificate to the user?
«Between 15 and 30 minutes to swab. The calculation is very simple: each pharmacy cannot exceed the threshold of 40 daily tampons, even if the requests to date are higher. Among other things, no reservation is required for the tampon, which is instead mandatory for the administration of the anti-Covid vaccine. Municipal pharmacies, all over Italy, have organized themselves by creating an intervention network and specific vaccination hubs. A valid example, in Abruzzo, is that of L’Aquila where the municipal pharmacies have made available 2-3 aids for anti-Covid vaccination, concentrating their forces on this sector “.
Pharmacies are taking on an increasingly important role in the pandemic phase, with the administration of serum against Covid-19 and the possibility of vaccinating to combat the flu. Are there any specific requests you make to support you in these services?
“As an association we have always strongly supported, also in negotiations with the Ministry of Health and with the ISS, that pharmacies are in effect local health centers and we are working in this direction. Many pharmacies, for example, have contacts with biologists and specialized nurses to make a quality choice on the performances and services performed, precisely in view of the health support functions they perform in the area ».

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