What are the links between fossils and the greats of this world? Tribute to Yves Coppens

by time news

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What are the links between fossils and the greats of this world?Yves Coppens shared with us his encounters with presidents, kings and queens who questioned him about the origins of man…Tribute to Yves Coppens, who died in last JuneRebroadcast March 10, 2022

We are here today with the eminent paleontologist yves coppens (discoverer of Lucy and so many other human fossils) who makes us share our story with a small, as with a big H.

His encounters with almost all the “greats” of this world, from the Emperor Haile Selassie (who received him in his Ethiopian palace), to the Queen of England (whom he himself invited to his exhibition on the origins of man) through all the presidents of our Fifth Republic… but also most of the first presidents of independent Africa, without forgetting Nelson Mandela or Pope Francis…

This gives unexpected portraits, sketched by our brilliant and mischievous prehistorian in his latest book,The scientist, the fossil and the prince… from the lab to the palace, published by Odile Jacob.

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