Twitter in ‘Edit Button’ trial: Feature to debut on paid subscription basis | Twitter to roll out edit button feature for paid subscribers social network

by time news

Last Updated : 01 Sep, 2022 08:15 PM

Published : 01 Sep 2022 08:15 PM
Last Updated : 01 Sep 2022 08:15 PM

San Francisco: Twitter is a social networking company that allows you to share comments in 280 characters. Tweets posted once cannot be edited. Now the only option for its users is to delete if there is an error. Because of that, an edit button option to edit tweets has been a long-standing demand of Twitter users. Now Twitter is testing that feature.

The feature will be rolled out to users on a paid subscription basis in the coming days, Twitter said. Twitter has also made a tweet about it. “If you see an edited tweet, it’s because we’re testing the edit button. Work is going on for that,” the tweet said.

For now, this feature is being tested within the company. This means that a tweet can be edited a few times within 30 minutes of a user sharing it. It is reported that the tweet will be mentioned as an edited tweet. There will be time for that. Users can click on the label to see the previous version and history of that tweet.

The feature is said to be rolling out to Twitter Blue users only. Note that this Twitter Blue Access is only available in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. Tweets posted by Blue users are now held for review for up to one minute. Through this, users can undo wrong tweets.

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