Trade unions have proposed a way to increase the minimum wage

by time news

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) sent a letter to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Anton Kotyakov with a proposal to annually increase the ratio of the minimum wage (minimum wage) to the median wage by 1 percentage point and bring it to 50% by 2030. Vedomosti got acquainted with the document. The letter was sent following a meeting with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Labor and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs – the meetings are held within the framework of the general agreement between the all-Russian associations of trade unions, employers and the government for 2021–2023. The representative of the Ministry of Labor confirmed the receipt of the letter from the FNPR to Vedomosti.

Since 2021, the methodology for setting the minimum wage has been changed – now the indicator is defined as 42% of the median wage in the country. The median is defined as the level for which one half of the population has a wage below this value, the other – above. According to the old methodology, the minimum wage was set at the level of the subsistence minimum in the second quarter of the previous year, which was calculated based on the cost estimate of the consumer basket (the basic set of products, non-food goods and services. – Vedomosti).


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