Insulin, a protein will replace injections in diabetes therapy? –

by time news
from Marco Comoglio

Studies are underway on the S100A9 protein: it would act by reducing the production of those metabolites that are produced in insulin deficiency, such as ketone bodies and fatty acids

I have been type 2 diabetic for fifteen years, unfortunately the tablets are no longer enough for me and I have to inject insulin every day. I have read about a substance that could replace it: does this mean that I will no longer have to inject myself?

He answers Marco ComoglioAssociation of Diabetologists Doctors (GO TO THE FORUM)

It has been a hundred years since insulin was discovered and since then it has come a long way: from the first animal extractive insulins we have moved on to biosynthetic insulins and now we are experimenting with insulins long acting, which no longer requires daily but weekly or even monthly administrations. Since its discovery it has made it possible to save many people and above all to improve the quality of life of diabetics. today again the drug of choice for type 1 diabeticsbut its use, when necessary, also extends to type 2 diabetics. It is understandable that daily administration by injection is inconvenient and unwelcome to patients. Furthermore, this therapy, like other drugs, can sometimes cause serious side effects, such as hypoglycemia (when an imbalance is created between therapy, nutrition and physical activity) or weight gain. Therefore, studies are being carried out to try to replace this drug, now indispensable, thus reducing inconvenience and risks for patients.

Studies in progress

Regarding your question, it is necessary to clarify the subject. recently released a study published by scholars of the University of Geneva, which reports the data of experiments done on mice, rendered diabetic, using a protein with a strange name: S100A9. In the past, studies had already been done with this protein, administering high doses in mice: it was seen that in part it prevented the onset of diabetes and in part it slightly improved glycemic control. The protein, whose receptors would be spread over all cells and not just the liver, would act reducing the production of those metabolites that are produced in insulin deficiency, such as ketone bodies and fatty acids. And this is the result reported in the Swiss study: it would be enhanced the effect of insulin deficient in diabetic subjects, reducing the production of ketone bodies that are harmful to the body. Researchers studying S100A9 are experimenting with blends of low-dose insulin and the aforementioned protein, to see if possible. reduce insulin doses by enhancing their effect, with the aim of reaching a suspension. These are experimental studies carried out on animals and will take years before reaching human tests.

The new drugs

Today they are available new drugs which made it possible to reduce / suspend insulin in many type 2 diabetic patients who have been practicing it for years, still obtaining good glycemic control and acting in a preventive manner on possible cardiovascular complications. Medicines such as i GLP1 inhibitors, SGLT2 inhibitors, DPPIV inhibitorswhich act with a mechanism different from that of insulin but are equally effective in check your blood sugar
, are free from the risk of hypoglycaemia and help to control the patient’s body weight. If you have not yet done so, I invite you to discuss with your diabetologist to possibly evaluate a variation of therapy, using these latest generation drugs.

September 3, 2022 (change September 3, 2022 | 10:52 am)

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