calls to demonstrate on September 10 in Paris

by time news

On social networks, Internet users are planning a mobilization this Saturday against the policy of Emmanuel Macron.

Top start for the back-to-school season? On social networks, calls for demonstrations have been emerging for a few days, especially in Paris, this Saturday, September 10. A way of putting pressure on the executive, while inflation weighs heavily on household budgets and energy remains at the heart of concerns.

«The goal is to occupy the streets of Paris as long as possible from September 10! We are not here to dance and sing but to revolt“, we read on a leaflet shared on the Facebook group “black september“, relayed also by “yellow vests“. On the same network, an event brought together a few thousand interested parties, denouncing the “traitors who rule us». «Let’s get together because we are all concerned», proclaims the description of this call to demonstrate. It remains to be seen whether the mobilization will be as important as hoped by the organizers.

Unemployment insurance, inflation, retirement … The coming weeks promise to be busy for the executive, who must carry several explosive files. In addition to the calls on social networks, several actors wish to increase the pressure on the government, by mobilizing in the street. This is particularly the case of the CGT, which launched a call to demonstrate on September 29. “End of abundance for employers and all those who took advantage of the crisis and who continue the infernal race for profits. Workers can no longer be satisfied with crumbs from their production“, protested the union in a press release. In an interview at The Dispatch, the boss of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, also warns Emmanuel Macron, judging that the pension reform is “the flame near the gas cylinder».

SEE ALSO – Inflation: Bruno Le Maire does not anticipate a “decline” before “perhaps mid-2023”

On the left, La France insoumise also hopes to be able to bring opponents together in the street. “You must prepare, as soon as you hear the date, to rush to make a huge march on Paris, it is the way to demonstrate force., exclaimed Jean-Luc Mélenchon this weekend at the Lille sale, according to Le Monde. The former deputy and unsuccessful candidate for the 2022 presidential election had already mentioned a “walk against the dear life“, but the outlines of his proposal are not yet known.

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