Employment, unemployment insurance… The Ministry of Labor receives the social partners

by time news

Olivier Dussopt and Carole Grandjean are presenting their roadmap to trade unions and professional organizations on Monday, as they brandish the threat of social conflict.

Meeting at the top of rue de Grenelle. This Monday morning, at 9 a.m., Olivier Dussopt, with his colleague Carole Grandjean, will meet the social partners, in order to present their roadmap to them. Objective: to discuss with the representative unions at the national and inter-professional level the files brought by the ministers responsible for Labor and Training, including the reform of unemployment insurance and, probably, that of pensions.

This meeting comes as the social climate remains tense and the transformations desired by the executive to accelerate the return to employment are arousing an outcry from the social partners. Beyond the extension of the current rules until the end of the year, Emmanuel Macron indeed wishes to return unemployment insurance “stricter when too many jobs are unfilled, more generous when unemployment is high”.

On Friday, an inter-union press release signed by the CGT, FO, CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Union Syndicale Solidaires, FSU, Unsa and several organizations representing youth underlined the opposition of these actors. the government’s plans in this area: “sto stigmatize job seekers once again by reducing their rights to compensation is deeply unfair“, protest the signatories, adding that”targeting unemployment rights is totally ineffective».

Denouncing the “dogmatic logicof the government, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, again fired red balls against the plans of the executive, on France 2, Monday morning. “In the public debate, it does not move many people, it continues to horrify me, because it is believed that there would be people who would be profiteers. It’s not that reality anymore.“, he sighed, calling on the authorities not to “stigmatize the unemployed“. The discussions with Olivier Dussopt and Carole Grandjean are therefore likely to be tense.

A warning about pensions

The ministers could also come back to the explosive issue of pensions, which again arouses fierce opposition from the social partners. Monday morning, the secretary general of the CFDT sent a formal warning to the executive: “if the government, under the [projet de loi de finances de la sécurité sociale]takes an abrupt, brutal age measurement, there will be very, very strong conflict […]. We will be together to challenge a totally unfair age measure», At-il having you.

While the last major conflict on this subject dates back to the end of 2019, the strong man of the CFDT called on the executive to avoid any “brutal measure», seeing there a «the events of warfor his union. “This would be experienced as a blow to the world of work […]. It’s not a matter of age“Advanced the representative, in a tone without appeal.

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