The parents who demonstrated against a transgender student are trying to explain

by time news

About two weeks ago, it was revealed that the children of the third grade at a religious school in Givat Shmuel found out at the end of the last school year that one of the students in the grade was born a girl, and decided to adopt the identity of a boy and thus live his life. The parents of the students found it hard to believe that the secret remained with the educational staff and the Ministry of Education alone, and after their appeals were not answered, they decided not to send their children to school and even demonstrated in front of it. Member of Knesset Naama Lazimi (Labour) and the father of a girl from the class, were guests today (Monday) on the program of Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad on 103FM, and commented on the matter.

Shmulik, the father of a girl from a boy’s class, explained the protestors’ claim and their desire: “To transfer our children from school, give us permission. If the school chose to be reformist, that is their choice, I am not against LGBT people, I have lesbian friendships and gay friends From all over the country, whether I agree or not with things that happen is my business with them, but I’m the most accepting person there is.”

“When I was exposed to this yesterday late in the evening, I rebelled among myself, I got up in the morning and thought about this little boy who just experienced the parents of his friends protesting in front of him and more with the two elected representatives, it’s really a big low. There is an educational system here that is different, complex, I can understand the complexity it creates,” noted Lazimi.

The member of the Knesset continued to attack the very demonstration that was held: “The child in class who sees the parents of his friends protesting in front of him, he asks himself, are they protesting against me or against the system? In the end, he experiences bullying from people who are supposed to understand what complexity is best because they have children themselves This child is being protested in front of him.”

“I can understand that not everyone is as open as other people, it’s okay to find out, to ask. It is a completely bully act to demonstrate in an elementary school in front of an eight-year-old child, in front of this child, not in front of anyone else. This is something that, in my view, is tantamount to boycotting everything and anything.” , added to Zimi.

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