Resumption of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia

by time news – The situation on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia remains tense. According to the Armenian Minister of Defense, Aram Torosyan, whose remarks were collected by the national agency Armenpress, between 3 and 6 p.m., Yerevan time (capital of Armenia), new rocket fire from the Azerbaijan continue to reach Armenian territory, between the towns of Sotk and Goris. According to the minister, these attacks would be carried out by drones, whose source of supply remains to be discovered. The Armenian soldiers killed during these attacks would number 105, still according to the same source. The situation is evolving.

Concomitantly with the sudden burst of military action in Ukraine, which for the first time since the start of the Russian intervention achieved its first victory, by recapturing the city of Kharkov, another disruptive scenario in the difficult Eurasian geopolitical chessboard erupted: the resumption of the Azeri government’s territorial expansion plan towards Armenia. First with no relationship between the two, the conflict between these two Caucasian states, just like in the Ukrainian conflict, shows the same protagonists with a completely different distribution of roles. In the case of the war between Azeris and Armenians, the arbiter is Russia, the promoter on the Azeri side, Turkey and, at least during the 2020 conflict, one of the arms suppliers of the Azeri side, Ukraine . Without Ukraine, as with so many other dirty wars, the deportation of the Armenian population from Nagorno-Karabakh would not have been possible. If Ukraine supplied weapons in 2020 to Azerbaijan, with the stock it has now, it is safe to chance that this will still be the case.

On the Russian side, this conflict is the last thing Vladimir Putin’s government needs right now. A press release from Ministry of Foreign Affairs called, on the 13th, the parties to refrain from any further escalation of the situation, to exercise restraint, and to strictly observe the ceasefire in accordance with the tripartite declarations of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, dated January 11 and November 26, 2021 “. Mediation which has obviously not produced the expected effects over the past twenty-four hours. ” We continue to work on the principle that all disputes between Armenia and Azerbaijan should be resolved exclusively through political and diplomatic means and, with regard to border issues, within the framework of the Bilateral Commission on the Delimitation of the border, with the consultative assistance of Russia ».

The sudden escalation of tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia could split Turkey and Russia in this unnatural relationship woven against the backdrop of the Ukrainian conflict. If Turkey has been able to play the mission of good offices between Ukraine and Russia, as far as NATO sabotage has allowed it, it is because Ukraine and its oligarchs have woven political relations with the Grand Porte. – mafias who make each other obligated. Not only as an arms trafficker during the Nagorno-Karabakh war, but also in the context of arming several pro-Turkish jihadist groups during the war in Syria, as well as helping Turkey to settle accounts with the Kurds. Russia is no exception. Being able to have this false NATO ally, this Iznogood that is Turkey as an intermediary, remains a joker.

For the Armenians, the support of Russia is essential, for reasons described by the French geopolitical scientist Alexandre del Valle in his contribution to the collective work “Haut Karabakh, le livre noir” published by Ellipses: “Ex-Soviet Christian Armenians only have good relations with the Russians and, to a lesser extent, with the neighboring Iranians (…) Unfortunately, the current geopolitical context is hardly more favorable to the Armenians: indeed, the war Russian-Ukrainian union, which is coupled with a new NATO-Russia cold war, can only motivate the West to intensify their policy of rapprochement with the Azeri gas supplier, to reconcile with Turkey, and to let go of the Armenians even more assimilated to protected allies of the Russian “Evil Empire”. In fact, no Western nation has condemned the Azeri attack two days after the fact.

The resumption of hostilities in Azerbaijan begins two days before the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO, for its acronyms in English), which is to be held on September 15 and 16 in Samarkand (Uzbekistan), under the aegis of the rotating presidency of Uzbekistan. The two presidents, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are due to meet to discuss the situation. The first, hostage to the role in which the West has confined him and to its internal opposition which would not support any further procrastination, the Turk, he, in the beautiful role of the Splendide. Unless it’s too obvious and they manage to avoid too crude a trap.

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