Books, “In search of happiness” by Simone Cristicchi arrives in the bookstore

by time news

Happiness – what does it really mean? What does it reside in? Mankind has always concentrated its efforts to grasp it, to grasp it both in the charm of great ideas and in the wonder of small things. Yet, it can rarely be said to have succeeded. So in the book “In search of happiness” by Simone Cristicchi (Ed. La nave di Teseo), you choose to try to explain what happiness represents, safe from easy enthusiasm and hasty conclusions.

The book, which has just arrived in bookstores, is part of a larger project that also includes a theatrical performance with the same title and a documentary film by Andrea Cocchi. The book is combined with the inexhaustible curiosity of Simone Cristicchi, here a traveler together with the reader, who, through philosophy, meditation and faith, speaks to us about beauty, vitality, time, the sense of belonging and community. , music and stories.

Inspired by Pasolini’s Comizi d’amore, Cristicchi – Roman, class of ’77, singer-songwriter and actor as well as writer – creates a path in seven keywords for the reader – attention, slowness, humility, change, memory, talent, us – in which anecdotes, stories and interviews find space, which accompanies us in the surprising discovery of the profound meaning of this research for each of us. The work was carried out with the contribution of Don Luigi Verdi, Guidalberto Bormolini, Marco Guzzi, Giulio Mogol, Antonio Calenda, Pino Doden Palumbo, Chandra Livia Candiani, Gianluca Nicoletti, Nicola Brunialti, Nadiamaria, Vincenzo Costantino alias Cinaski and Franco Arminio.

Simone Cristicchi has released several successful albums and won the Sanremo Festival in 2007 with the song ‘I’ll give you a rose’, in 2006 staged the show between theater and song Center for mental health, dedicated to psychiatric patients. In 2010 he made his debut with the show Li Romani in Russia followed in 2012 by My grandfather died in the war, both dedicated to the Second World War. 2013 is the turn of Magazzino 18, co-produced by Promo Music and Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia, focusing on the history of the exodus of Istrians, Rijekers, Dalmatians and Julians.

Since 2017 Cristicchi is the director of the Teatro Stabile d’Abruzzo. In 2019 he made the Marocchinate show, of which La nave di Teseo has published the book. Among his awards, the 2006 Targa Tenco for best first work, the Critica Mia Martini award at the Sanremo Festival 2007 and the Amnesty Italia 2011 award. In 2019 he presented the song Abbi cura di me at the Sanremo Festival, winning the awards for best interpretation and best musical composition.

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